Feeding greenbottle fly


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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2010
Reaction score
What is the best food for a green bootle flies colony?I try with jam,marmelade and honey,but I read that the best food is the meat like that of dog / cat food.What do you think?

What is the best food for a green bootle flies colony?I try with jam,marmelade and honey,but I read that the best food is the meat like that of dog / cat food.What do you think?
Oh boy, checco, are you in luck! If you go here: http://mantidforum.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=18902&pid=139928&st=0entry139928 and read the post dated 130910 (Italian for 091310!) you can post and I shall mail you out a bag of food tomorrow, Customs form and all!

OR you can make up the following mixture yourself:

4 cups ground dog/cat food (use a coffee grinder, or a hand cranked meat grinder).

1 cup brewers' yeast ("lievito di birra" I think, I just looked it up!)

1 cup casein (caseina?)

Mix them up and add 2 parts warm water to one dry food. For bluebottles or green bottles, add about 15-30ccs of mashed up live on top of the mix -- chicken liver works fine. Put the mix in whatever large container you are using and pull it out in a few days. Buona fortuna!

Mmmmmmmm, I'm hungry now Phil!
Will that work to start a wild culture? As in, put it outside and they'll come around?


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