Female Budwing mantis final molt....


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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2011
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How many weeks in-between the second to last moult and the last moult of a female budwing mantis are there?

All anyone can tell you is a general time frame. It depends on several factors.

maybe 15-25 days????
I know my females took a bit longer than the males.

Ok, my female budwing just hit L8, and still has no signs of wings. She a little more than 2 inches now. The temp she is kept in is low 70's.

The question-Was that her final molt and her growth was stunted, or is it possible she has one more molt in her? She's been eating a steady amount, though not voracious. She also has no interest in meal worms :( She has a steady diet of crickets for now.

Well, she just molted and has her wings. Over a month for her to molt her final time. Happy she finally reached adult. :)
