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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, VA
This is one of my adult female Tenodera aridifolia sinensis .




How do you keep your lids so clean? Mine are starting to look quite grotty :(
Olga, I soak mine in a sink full of very hot soapy water (like for dishes), but add some bleach to it too. It usually takes at least a half hour... to a couple of hourst, depending on how fast I want to get them done... or how energetic I feel. Sometimes I just leave them overnight and finish the next day, rinsing very well. I've never had a problem from the bleach, and it works great. ;)

ah. i washed each of my 50 or so lids with a tiny bit of handsoap individually. after all that work they didnt look any better but at least i knew they werent harboring as many mantis-killing germs. next time i will try your method :)

Thanks everyone :) .

I'm going to be using your method Kat. Sure will save me money, I usaully just throw the lids out and replace with new.

You're welcome, Olga and Stone... I wish you nice, clean lids! :lol:

Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention.... sometimes I also put them in the top rack of the dishwasher to "finish them off" after I've soaked them in the hot soapy bleach water. I soak them, then kind of rub any "particles" off with my hand under running water while rinsing briefly, then put in the top rack of the dishwasher. After running them through the dishwasher I sometimes rinse them well in cold water again, just to make sure all the detergents are thoroughly rinsed out. I don't do the diswasher thing every time; but about every 2nd or 3rd time I wash... or if they're really gungy and "stained." It works wonders! And I don't feel bad about putting them in the dishwasher where I normally wash our dishes, after they have been soaked in the hot, soapy, bleach water... as I feel it kills any nasties that I would find objectionable to just putting in the dishwasher in the first place. Make sure to put them in the top, not on the bottom section... as the bottom section gets hotter and might melt/deform them. I haven't had a problem putting them on the top section though.

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She looks great. Love the looks on her face.
