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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2010
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
I would like a verification for my own confidence. I'm 99% sure this is a female, but seeing as how the last one I thought was male wasn't I need a second opinion.



those wingbuds look pretty developed. It could be subadult if it is, It is very small therefore indicating its a male ;)

im gonna guess it's a male... based on its size, and the number of segments..I can count 5 big segments and on the very end i can barely make out two smaller segments. I think both of mine are male too.. grrr.. i was realy hoping for a female.

Male. There is supposed to be another way to tell on orchids but I can never remember it. But based on segments I think male.

Rick what your thinking of is the ring around the pronotum base, Green=Female Brown=Male

Son of a biscuit eater! Maybe I should post pics of the other ones I thought I had sexed right too!

there is some other ways I think by looking at their antennas or bumps on their heads I think there was a post that had these ways to tell the difference in some species the males have a feathery antenna I think and the female has a more thinner antenna!

I have read that:

if it has a green line at the pronotum then is a female

if it has a brown line at the pronotum then is a male....

based on that you have a female!!!!

It's a male! :)

Even with that info, you can clearly see the last segment on her mantis indicates a male. Not to mention the line at the pronotum looks more brown than green to me? Maybe i'm color blind? :lol: Laura, how big is that orchid mantis? If it's an inch or less than it is definitley a male. The wing-buds also suggest a sub-adult male. They are fully formed. Next molt it will be an adult.

That last one is a female.
+1! :)

Not to mention the line at the pronotum looks more brown than green to me? Maybe i'm color blind? :lol: Laura, how big is that orchid mantis?
You aren't colorblind at all! Definitely more brown than green. He's right at about an inch, very tiny little thing. I didn't even know he had those wings until I was cropping the pictures I took because he's so small I couldn't see them! All these exotic breeds have me so confused! I think if I had one of each sex side by side I would have an easier time understanding which is which
Thanks guys! You all rock my socks off!

I'm sorry laura! I did not mean to confuse you, but he does not have wings just yet. What i meant was his wings are in the finale development stage. Meaning in his next molt he will have full wings.

I'm sorry laura! I did not mean to confuse you, but he does not have wings just yet. What i meant was his wings are in the finale development stage. Meaning in his next molt he will have full wings.
Oh I know!
They're cute little subadult wings! Both my c. gemmatus and orchid molted this last weekend while I was out of town into subadults, and they're both so small that I didn't notice on either of them until I was cropping the pictures down!
