Few mantis questions


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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2012
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Hey so as some of you may know, I have started a website for information on mantids, feeding them and how to make breeding boxes etc etc..

I am now trying to start doing an exotic mantids care sheet & information section and could not find where the budwing mantis was native to originally. As well as a few other things I have left blank with ****** in the care sheets. If anyone could help me with any of these it would be greatly appreciated.

website is http://melbournemantids.com if you want to check it out and correct or add things to the care sheets

Also what are the top 10 most commonly kept exotic species? I have currently done

Odontomantis planiceps - asian ant mantis

Parasphendale agrionin - budwing mantis

Polyspilota aeruginosa - Madagascan Marbled Mantis

Tenodera sinensis - Chinese mantis

Phylocrania paradoxa - ghost mantis

Idolomantis diabolica - devils flower mantis

Hymenopus coronatus - orchid mantis

I plan to add these today


popa spruca

So which ones have I missed or overlooked? And if anyone has photos of these species I would love to get permission to use them, as I can't take any myself as they are all illegal in Australia.

Thanks for help and/or pictures!

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Hey so as some of you may know, I have started a website for information on mantids, feeding them and how to make breeding boxes etc etc..

I am now trying to start doing an exotic mantids care sheet & information section and could not find where the budwing mantis was native to originally. As well as a few other things I have left blank with ****** in the care sheets. If anyone could help me with any of these it would be greatly appreciated.

website is http://melbournemantids.com if you want to check it out and correct or add things to the care sheets

Also what are the top 10 most commonly kept exotic species? I have currently done

Odontomantis planiceps - asian ant mantis

Parasphendale agrionin - budwing mantis

Polyspilota aeruginosa - Madagascan Marbled Mantis

Tenodera sinensis - Chinese mantis

Phylocrania paradoxa - ghost mantis

Idolomantis diabolica - devils flower mantis

Hymenopus coronatus - orchid mantis

I plan to add these today


popa spruca

So which ones have I missed or overlooked? And if anyone has photos of these species I would love to get permission to use them, as I can't take any myself as they are all illegal in Australia.

Thanks for help and/or pictures!
OK I have a couple of things. First off great work and nice website! I would let you use my pictures but they are ****...First off I would probably add a sphodromantis care sheet and some kind of hierodula care sheet.

Budwings are native to almost all of Africa except for the north.

Chinese are more Like 9-10cm for females and 8-9cm for males.

Ghosties are actually one of the easiest mantids to keep and require very little humidity. They should be seperated at L5-L6 but can be kept in a colony for life.

Idolos reach 12cm for males and 10-11 for females. The ooths will hatch 20-70 nymphs and the nymphs should be raised communally for life.

How about cilnia humeralis?

(did I spell that right??)

Oh, and you dont have any spodromantids on your list (lineola, viridis, blue flash, etc.)

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Thanks guys, any extra info or pictures from other people would be awesome, since I have no other way of getting them (without stealing which I don't want to do).

I would put these additions in (and the photos from agent A) but I decided to update a plugin for the site editor... 2 hours later and its still updating so I guess I'll do it tomorrow.

I have other care sheets & info on the care sheets tab by the way, which includes Hierodula majuscula. (the shop area is currently broken due to shop plug in issues)

Oxyopsis gracilis is another commonly kept mantis, and the link to info and pics is as follows:http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.phasmidsincyberspace.com/Pictures/Oxyopsis%2520gracilisFemale.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.phasmidsincyberspace.com/OxyopsisGracilis.html&h=248&w=273&sz=9&tbnid=c1nBwt4bh-bqZM:&tbnh=108&tbnw=119&prev=/search%3Fq%3Doxyopsis%2Bgracilis%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=oxyopsis+gracilis&docid=QIgZyQzaAixWtM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=hDuPT72mCIeeiQLAnY3OAw&sqi=2&ved=0CDAQ9QEwAw&dur=1131

Another mantis you mentioned is properly named and spelled. Pseuodocreobotra wahlbergii. Tammy Wolfe has some awesome pics of this species and odf the H. coronatus and you can ask he for permission to use them, I am almost certain she will agree.

Alright thanks again, I've added all the extra species and will try and find some info on them later today. Thanks for letting me use your pics Agent A & Mvalenz

Feel free to use any of my pics. Some are ok and some are kinda bad. I have mostly Budwing pics, but some H. Majusculas and Idolo as well. If you do use any of my pics my name is Michael Valenzuela.


Nice website too. It's good to know someone is taking the time to do this.
Just thought I would double check the species before using them for the website

Can you tell me what species picture 13 is? A Hierodula majuscula right?

Can you tell me what species picture 52 is? A ghost mantis right?

And I grabbed one of the budwing photos as well. Thank you, I will credit you in the website for each picture. :D

Just thought I would double check the species before using them for the website

Can you tell me what species picture 13 is? A Hierodula majuscula right?

Can you tell me what species picture 52 is? A ghost mantis right?

And I grabbed one of the budwing photos as well. Thank you, I will credit you in the website for each picture. :D
Yes, pic 13 is H. Majuscula.

pic 52 is an Idolomantis Diabolica. maybe L-3 or 4.

No problem. Anytime.


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