FF transfer/feeding system


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I guess I'm one of the few who is bothered by the escapees... :p
I CANNOT stand escapee feeder insects they're annoying imo only ones I can somewhat stand are crickets because they're easy to get and only lose maybe one or two every now and then.

Best way for me has been tapping the top and top sides of the ff container about 5-10 times, with the nymphs cage lid open, tap in as much as i want and throw the lid back on the ff culture than the nymphs container. I average about 2-5 fruit flies lost each time I do it, which isnt bad IMHO.
That's what I do. But I only get 5 escapes max out of 15 containers with multiple mantids. After a while, you get good at it. :D

When I am keeping the nymphs separately, I use a big funnel with some "bug slick" (no insect can crawl up it) painted around the rim and funnel them into some smaller vials. (like Rick has pictured) After that, it's just a simple tap for each container. :)

I also use flying fruit flies for when I'm keeping multiple mantids together (I know you probably think I'm crazy). They live longer, and are seen more so they don't die of old age. (the flightless like to "huddle" in the nooks and crannies) I use the refrigeration method for this, and it works great. :) (surprisingly, they produce a LOT more than the wingless versions, so I get 1,000's for a bit longer than a month) In case your wandering where I got 'em, I got them in the fruit section in my local grocery store, and Wal-Mart. (hey, they have both species of fruit flies there) :lol:

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I CANNOT stand escapee feeder insects they're annoying imo only ones I can somewhat stand are crickets because they're easy to get and only lose maybe one or two every now and then.
If you get irritated by escaped ffs (particularly the wild kind!) and are as klutzy and half-blind as I, here is a good trick for containing the little buggers that escape. Get one of those "butterfly cages," the net kind with one plastic face (mine are 12"x12"x12", but there is at least one larger size) like those sold by Hibiscusmile and shine a light down on the top. Transfer your ff's in it, and any escapees will crawl/fly to the top of the cage, where they will eventually die (unfulfilled, poor things) from dehydration. Don't forget to zip the cage when you are through!

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