Finally I got my mantid


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Active member
Mar 21, 2008
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It's a budwing, correct?

I fed it a cricket, caught it awesomely.

I got the smaller of the two since it would theoretically last longer.

I had a lame enclosure for it thinking it was going to come in a delicup like other inverts, but this guy came in a cool enclosure already. :p

Here he is. (L4/L3)



And here's a vid of it catching, It's too small so you could barely see anything it's like a third way through the vid.

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Yes. :p


Most inverts I have, I feed once or every two weeks.

Does this apply to mantids?

It ate kind of a big cricket relative to ti's size so I'm thinking maybe I should wait longer then the usual,but don't know the usual.

Man, you have no idea how long it took me to find it! my depth field was all wrong...

I feed my budwings about once every 3 days. Their abdomens are good indicators-if they huge and bloated, they're full, and if they're really skinny, they're starving! Try and keep it somewhere inbetween.

Man, you have no idea how long it took me to find it! my depth field was all wrong...I feed my budwings about once every 3 days. Their abdomens are good indicators-if they huge and bloated, they're full, and if they're really skinny, they're starving! Try and keep it somewhere inbetween.
Okay, cool.

Good thing I kep these mini crickets and didn't kill them.

And yeah, My pictures are always wither too bright or too dark.

Coming to the end? Not even an adult yet.
