First mantid - still not eating after molt


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Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Hi guys,

I just wanted some reassurance on my mantid, as it's my first.

I have a S.Viridis female, she arrived on Wednesday of last week. I have had her for 8 days now and she still hasn't eaten yet. I have fruit flies and small crickets. I have also tried moths. She molted on Tuesday night (also regrew a missing leg) so she had already gone at least 6 days without food before she molted. Her abdomen was huge when she arrived, but naturally it has been getting slimmer.

I understand that it can take a day or two after molting before they start eating, but should I start to be concerned for her? She is drinking and humidity is fine. I have tried hand feeding with no success.

I believe she is now L4.

Here is a picture of her after she molted.

Thanks in advance. :)


Welcome to the site. We have an intro forum too ;)

As far as your mantis goes it sounds pretty normal to me. I would give it another couple days before worrying about it.

Thanks, it's a great site you have here; I didn't notice the intro forum, I've been trying to soak up as much information as possible from the main forums. :lol:

Thank you Rick, i'll do just that.

Just to give this topic some closure, she is indeed eating now; although I have only just witnessed her eat for the first time today, it was great to see her hunt down and devour a cricket.

I noticed she was eating last week though, as the flies and crickets would disappear the next day. Her abdomen was quite fat so I didn't feed her the last 2 days, it's still looking a little big, Should I leave her without food for a few days until it settles down?

I'd like to remark on this topic. I got 4 baby Sphodromantis centralis, one arrived as an L1 and wouldn't eat, even a few days after molting into L2... but today he seems to be snatching fruit flies left and right!

Just to give this topic some closure, she is indeed eating now; although I have only just witnessed her eat for the first time today, it was great to see her hunt down and devour a cricket.I noticed she was eating last week though, as the flies and crickets would disappear the next day. Her abdomen was quite fat so I didn't feed her the last 2 days, it's still looking a little big, Should I leave her without food for a few days until it settles down?
Just keep feeding it till it is full. The mantis will stop eating when it is full. A plump mantis is a happy mantis! :)


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