First molt approaching?


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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2016
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Hi all! still relatively new to nymph card and have never actually had my own nymphs molt before. The first hatch was Nov 29 so that are around a week to two five or take. Ive noticed in the last day or so my nymphs finally showing fervor when hunting and getting quite fat! Today I noticed one that almost (though i can't quite tell) seems to be in the process of shedding now. they all seem to be paper in color than before almost white.

I'm wondering if these are enough of an indication that I should stop feeding now so that can molt easier or if they will perish if I don't feed them in the next few days.

@AltarMantis If they hatched November 29 they are 2.5 weeks old now and most species tend to molt after their first week. The age may indicate they are being kept too cool temperature wise. Digging up your posts it seems they are California mantis (Stagmomantis californica), and the care sheet says at L1 they should be kept at 80F degrees specifically.

Back to your post though, if you are feeding them springtails, fruit flies, or such though there is no need to stop feeding for molts and I would advise against it.

Those feeders will not interfere or harm nymphs in any way if they are molting, and stopping their feed will simply encourage them to cannibalize each other more. The only common feeder that can harm molting mantids is crickets, as they can eat the helpless nymph; otherwise, feeders are not a problem for any age/instar and I don't bother to stop feeding, especially for nymphs kept in groups.

Also other feeders such as houseflies, bottle flies, roaches, etc. all do not interfere or harm mantids either. ;)

Sweet! im a bit worried because the house got cold last night... Trees have been crashing down everywhere here and everything is covered in about a half centimeter of ice all around from freezing rain and consecutive temperatures. Ill try to keep my house warmer, and will continue to mist them and feed regularly. 


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