First Molt


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dr walkrr

May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Hey Everybody,

Good news! My mystery black mantis just molted at home for the first time. I don't really know if this means he is a l2 or l3 or if he would have molted before I got him. This was a great experience as I had lost my first nymph yesterday. What are some common problems that may occur during molting and how can they be avoided?

Thanks everybody!

Also, the molt only took about half an hour once he got settled. Is this typical for all molts or will they take longer when they are older?

one last thing... should I mist him right after he molted? and I think my other mystery mantis is getting ready to molt. help!!!

It generally takes only minutes to molt. The best advice I have is to leave the mantis alone before, during, and after the molt. Don't mist right after the molt, but instead mist as normal the next day. Make sure that you are misting daily to add some humidity. Also be sure the mantis has a place to hang from easily. The lid is where most of them hang. Be sure there are no obstructions below the hanging area and that the mantis has 3x it's body length directly below in which to molt. I rarely use sticks or anything with mantids L3 and up because they can get in the way. And don't freak out, let nature take its course. Sometimes you will have one fall regardless of what you do.
