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Jun 9, 2010
Reaction score
Doofus molted yesterday, which puts him at L4. I went out to get his usual aphid, but found a moth on the ground and tried that instead. He looked at it for about half a second and then kicked the ever-lovin' you-know-what out of it. Wow! It was like watching MMA or something. He's a perfect little killing machine to be sure! I wish I had a video...

The weirdest thing about this was watching the food travel through his body. More than I really wanted to know, but cool anyway.

This hobby rocks...

Moths and other fluttery insects tend to really get a mantids attention.

Well its even funner when the moth is almost as big as the mantis and watch them go at it or even a june bug I put some june bugs with some of my shields and left them in over night and the shields made short work of the june bugs and the moths I find but I wont put in a moth thats almost as big as my shield adults knowing the moth would put the mantis at a disadvantage even though its not cannibalistic!

I put a fat moth in for my carolina mantis last night, it had to be almost his size, its abdomen was fatter than the mantis abdomen. He got it no problem, and ate almost all of it. It was kicking him in the face with the front legs :eek: , but that didn't faze him in the least. I feed him mostly moths because there are alot in my yard, I think that he knows how to grasp them properly,(alot of practice),although the usual moths I give him are smaller. I like the way he looks after eating them, all glittery and fuzzy. :lol:

Update: He molted again yesterday. So thats one week! He ate four moths, then refused food after that. I was actually a little worried when he wasn't eating, because I assumed it too early for molting again. Wow!

My husband totally doesn't approve of me letting "it" torture moths. Fruit flies he didn't have a problem with, but moths are too high of an organism I guess.

Update: He molted again yesterday. So thats one week! He ate four moths, then refused food after that. I was actually a little worried when he wasn't eating, because I assumed it too early for molting again. Wow!My husband totally doesn't approve of me letting "it" torture moths. Fruit flies he didn't have a problem with, but moths are too high of an organism I guess.
I am glad that I don't have that problem, my husband thinks that I spend too much attention on the care of my mantids. It is funny how when I found my first mantid at the park, I sent him a pic and he texted "Bring it home!" I don't think he thought about the care that they need, like feeding and keeping clean. I guess he just wanted to hold it in a jar till it dies, like a child does. I just can't do that, I won't keep anything that I can't give the best care for. My mantids favorites are moths, so I catch them every other day. :tt2:

haha, I like the thought of it being all glittery looking! too bad they dont blink

Sometimes, I get a mantid that looks like it has a full beard of moth scales, and hairy arms, :lol: I have to try to get a pic of that. :D It never lasts long.
