fly culture, make or buy?


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Johnald Chaffinch

Well-known member
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
Nottingham & Hull. U.K.
if i'm gonna breed fruit flies do ya think i should buy a culture or use the ones i can gather up randomly? which would most likely be safest for mantids? ( baring in mind the ones i find might have been on anything )

To address the make or buy part, I usually buy a culture of the type of ff's I want to use, and then make more cultures using the purchased ones. There are a few different variations, but I prefer the flightless/wingless variety, as well as the hydei (the bigger species of fruitfly).

As for which is the safest... I couldn't tell you for sure. I doubt it would matter too much what the ones you find have been on if you are just using them to create more cultures. My only problem with that is wildcaught ff's fly and I don't like to deal with that.

Buy a culture and then buy some of the medium and get yourself some containers and you likely won't ever half to buy flies again. It's so easy.

medium i thought people usee oatmeal water and a little viniger

also heard of mash potato mix with water and vinigar

i heard of mashed up banannas too

for those that dont know vinigar stops it from molding or so im told

im still waiting on my first batch of fruit flies to show up

You can make your own medium but I highly recommend you buy some commercially made stuff.

whys that? what'd be difference between that and some mashed banana with a drop of vinegar in it?
Now this is just in my experience but it's messy and ends up stinking. The commercial stuff is easy and all you have to do is add a bit of water and a pinch of yeast and you're done.

I know you lot will hate me for this but I work in a lab with these things... I get all the medium I want!!! :D PLUS I'm getting FREE , yes FREE!!! glass vials and unlimited flies... plus they're none of those *if you heat them, they will fly* variety :)

Its called Drosophilia melanogastor and you wont need them, nor will you need them to fly.

all flies can walk upside down... they'll walk all over that cage- especially towards the top - flying flies are too tricky to bother with... just use the *walks* :)

coolo, thanks guys :D i keep reading elsewhere different things to what people say on here. thing is though i know you guys have real experience and there's a few of you to back stuff up. this forum has been really helpful :)

whats a good place based in the US to get the medium

and what kinda yeast do you use

i just got a flightless fruit fly culture from Global Live Food / ( very cheap ). i've never done this before. they said the flies would emerge after 7 days but theres a bunch of em hanging around at the top and no sign of pupae or anything. was wondering if it is those flies that are gonna make the culture happen? anyone know how long this thing'll last ? and anyone got any clever way of getting some out but not the others?

thanks :)

Like I told you before you can get the medium from many places. I get mine from
