anybody know of any other places? i'd rather buy them in the pupae stage if possible. i don't like them when they're in the larve stage lol. from what i see at that place you'd pay $10.50 (after shipping) for 500 larvae. sounds reasonable, is it?
also, i'm new, so help me figure out if this is ok...
if i'm not mistaken, you can keep the larvae for several weeks, and let them pupate as needed. another site says you can keep the pupae in the fridge for up to 4 weeks, but is that only you pupate them all right away? or can they last about 4 weeks as larve, and then another 4 as pupae? i'm only looking to get two mantis, i have no idea how much they eat, but 500 sounds like a lot and that many of them could die before i use them.