Found a cache of wild S. limbata


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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
I found a bunch of males and females of various colors. If I can get a hold of some ooths, would anyone want one?

I have a heavily gravid female I found today, dark gray/brown. I bought some supplies and built a nice laying enclosure for her with a nice thick stick and lots of foliage and places to hide.

I'm expecting an ooth in just a few days. Introduced her to the male  i caught and she wasn't interested.

Is this a thinly disguised classifieds ad? 

Nono!  Not a classified. More of a news thing and an experiment! Well see... I've never mated mantises before and so.. I'm gonna see if I can do it IF I can get her to lay.

I have a male I found last week. I gotta get her to lay her ootheca first. I made a new habitat just for her with everything a gravid mantis could want. Lots of cover, a nice thick stick and nice foliage.

If she lays an ooth, I'm not sure my gf would let me hatch it. Ideally I'd love to put it outside and let it diapas naturally and when it hatches in the spring I'd give away lots of babies to all the people I know on here who want one. I owe you guys a lot. You're all so kind and helpful! And these S. Limbata are really cute and I can't keep all of them lol. If I can't do that, I'd rather give the ooth(s) to someone I know can use it to breed or distribute more of the cuties like Sticky here.

As far as I've seen sometimes mantises aren't for sale unless we can get them to breed too. I happen to like these S. Limbata too so I'm just doing what I can to share them. And maybe in a year or two we can have even more in the community. I'd post pictures but my phone won't let me. PM me if you'd like to see pics of the ones I've found and the ones I have.

I'm also gonna be going on little hikes in the next few months for ooths. That way if I find some I can give them out too. I just love sharing honestly lol.

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