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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2014
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D'oooh, I suppose I should have made my first post here! Woops!!

Well, better now than never!:

Howdy! I'm a Canadian lass who grew tired of long, cold winters and migrated to southeast asia where the sun is always hot, and the air is always humid :] I'm currently residing on Phuket Island, Thailand. I'm a professional illustrator who does both commercial and private illustration work for an international client base! I'm self employed, and my job as well as the nature of my work allows me to work from anywhere around the globe! And I love producing illustrations for folks, so I count my very lucky stars!

Ever since I was wee lass, I had always loved catching and observing insects (I was teased for it terribly in early elementary school, but that never stopped me!) Of course, the variety and size of the critters that can be found in canada are relatively limited, and living in a city made it doubly so. Moving to the tropics has reignited my love and fascination for insects of all species, but more than anything, I have fallen head over heels in love with the local mantids. I finally caved in and brought home a nymph one day, a few weeks ago, and now am ravenous for information, tips, and stories from more experienced mantis keepers! This community was the first one to pop up in my search for a "mantis forum", and certainly looked appealing to me! So here I am :]

I hope to be active in this hobby for a while. Even if I decide not to keep any more mantids after my first girl leaves me, I'm still intent on searching for them in the wild, observing and documenting each unique and beautiful individual I find :D And I hope to share those finds with anyone who'd like to see them!

You guys seem like a very friendly, very excellent bunch and I look forward to acquainting myself more with this lovely community!

Here are two photos of the very first mantis (sub-adult?) I found on the island during a short, hour long hike in the hills!:



He(?) was a very well mannered acquaintance!

Welcome to the forum! :cowboy:

I would suspect you have lots of wild feeder insects, so do you have questions about housing?

Ask away, many helpful people here!

Nick Barta

Welcome to Mantidforum! There is a lot to learn here, but it sounds like you are already pretty prepared. In Thailand, you'll probably be finding a lot of nice species, too.


Welcome from California. Phuket is such an awesome place! I wish that I had been interested in bugs when I visited as a young teenager.

Welcome! I'm from Canada also. I'm on my way to Thailand in May :) I'll be in udon Thani and Chang Mai. (Opposite side of the country haha) any tips for finding wild mantids?

Thanks for the warm welcome, guys :D

@PookaDotted: The best way to find them is to go on long, slow hikes through the jungle and plantations, etc! Keep a keen eye on the trees, but also on the ground! They're very rare to find in towns or around homes (though certainly not impossible). To be honest, I've found all of mine when I wasn't even looking for mantids in particular. But I always keep a keen eye for any small queues of interesting crawly things, which helps! :] May is the transition from the (stinking)hot season to the monsoon season here in thailand, so you've sure picked an extreme time to come up! Chang Mai is beautiful! I really hope you enjoy your time in the north!!
