Fruit Flies


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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2010
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I started this culture August 7th:



Used 1 cup potato flakes, 1 cup water, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 2 tablespoons old wine, 2 tablespoons powdered milk and a sprinkle of yeast on top.

Mistake: Poking holes in the water bottle for ventilation with a thumb tack. Some of the early pupae were getting out! :blink: Taped it all up and bought some cotton balls and stuffed one in the spout instead!

Hard to judge how large that bottle is, but it appears there is way too much medium in there.

Ok dude I'm going to try it out for myself soon with some Hydei.

I think I might be missing powdered milk and yeast though. Are those important ingredients?

I got this from the 99 cent store today while grabbing my onions and lettuce and crickets and rats. haha


Hard to judge how large that bottle is, but it appears there is way too much medium in there.
It's a SmartWater bottle...pretty tall and narrow. The other thread on how to grow these guys said to fill it 1/3 of the way, so that's what I did! :)

Ok dude I'm going to try it out for myself soon with some Hydei.

I think I might be missing powdered milk and yeast though. Are those important ingredients?

I got this from the 99 cent store today while grabbing my onions and lettuce and crickets and rats. haha

Don't think you need the milk powder. I had some so I thought I'd use it! As for the yeast...from what I have read it is one of the main ingredients? I never did use honey or applesauce.

I put wine in mine cuz well...these little buggars like rotting stuff and figured they'd like that! Plus old wine turns into vinegar :) Good luck with yours Ghostie!

I just noticed all my flying adults are dead? Not sure what is going on there. The larvae and pupae LOVE the cotton ball I used to plug up the spout! Had to shove another one in there as they were working their way out! :blink:

Meanwhile...I noticed a few fruit flies in my office and figured it was the banana peel I left in there last night. For some reason something prompted me to check my microworm cultures and they had invaded the older one! Yuk! Dead worms, oatmeal and water seems to be a hit with them too?

My first attempt resulted in 100% death of my adults too. I don't know why or what I did wrong, but that's what happened! I'm not sure that they're laying now though, I'm wondering if they're just existing....

My first attempt resulted in 100% death of my adults too. I don't know why or what I did wrong, but that's what happened! I'm not sure that they're laying now though, I'm wondering if they're just existing....
Mine laid eggs...wonder if they just got old? Although I had some new adults? I should just buy the stuff they sell for the labs instead!

lol I got mine going.

I put a lil of everything up in there.

Some taters

a 4oz cup of applesauce,


tequila, (lol!)


and honey!

We'll see if it kicks off any hydei. It sure smells like flies would like it. Hahaha.

I have a hunch these flies will explode in just about anything, but I could be wrong.

They sure are all over my house. :blink:

I think I used too much. Maybe coulda made two cups with this much medium.



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LOL the tequila might help! You never know! ;) If not the flies then at least your'll start seeing double and think there is more :lol: Where did you get the grassy stuff?

LOL the tequila might help! You never know! ;) If not the flies then at least your'll start seeing double and think there is more :lol: Where did you get the grassy stuff?
You can buy it by the boatload for about $1 where you get supplies. It's called excelsior. I bought mine at mantisplace

Si Senora! I don't think she sells the tequila though. <_<

Edit: Ah yes, and in this case, the "grass" is the flies!

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