Fruit fly blowdart: How I feed my individual nymphs.


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Were you in a Zen like state when you did this? It is totally cool, but you scarfed down some ff ugies in you mouth even with the screen Lol. Hey you go man, I'm going to push to get you on David Letterman. Am I right? It would be awesome! No really!


Cheese and rice!!

You have made me very skeert tonight.

I will have to sleep with the lights on.

Were you in a Zen like state when you did this? It is totally cool, but you scarfed down some ff ugies in you mouth even with the screen Lol. Hey you go man, I'm going to push to get you on David Letterman. Am I right? It would be awesome! No really!
I'm camera shy :p which is why I didnt look right at the camera a lot. I never get any FF stuff in my mouth. The screen is so fine even water takes a minute to drip through.

Good to know, don't get me wrong I like it, I would just maybe use the stopper still and put the straw in that small hole as not to let many out, I give you a solid 9 out 10 for ingenuity alone brotha! :)

Good to know, don't get me wrong I like it, I would just maybe use the stopper still and put the straw in that small hole as not to let many out, I give you a solid 9 out 10 for ingenuity alone brotha! :)
The only time any get out is when I'm collecting a lot. I think 8 or so is the max the one straw can hold, and by then one might get out. Plus I dont put stoppers on my cultures, I've had maggots dig through coffee filters I used as a top once. Since then I use two layers of the landscape fabric. A sponge stopper is only inviting maggot escapees.

I think that is pretty cool in the case of those small cups where it is impractical to use the funnel method through a feeding hole. However, if I ever use this technique I think I would find something different to use as the filter. FF cultures often contain fungi and it isn't a good idea to inhale spores so deep. Some fungi can actually take hold in the lungs. Probably a small risk but something that came to mind.

I think that is pretty cool in the case of those small cups where it is impractical to use the funnel method through a feeding hole. However, if I ever use this technique I think I would find something different to use as the filter. FF cultures often contain fungi and it isn't a good idea to inhale spores so deep. Some fungi can actually take hold in the lungs. Probably a small risk but something that came to mind.
I dont mind becoming mushroom-man. My super power can be tasting really good with some steak.

Basically I'm trying to find the finest screen that still lets enough air through to create sufficient suction. This is the best that I've found. and like I said above, even water takes time to seep through.

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Now I am concerned about your health Mal.

I don't think mushroom man would be good for you.

But I do think it's a really smart idea.

Thanks Jude, although I do believe I will be alright. Never had any problem and like I said before even water doesnt just drip through, so Im sure it catches a lot of the spores if there are any. I will still continue using them even knowing its a possibility.

Very cool idea :)

Have been aware of the spores issue for a while so have taken a few steps myself that could be of help :)

I put my culture in a big 8l tub and simply open the top,enough ff escape and run around then it's a case of sealing the culture and tapping the sides so they fall down.

The straw I use is slightly different. I cut the straw in two places and place some netting inbetween them,then simply use tape and stick the straw back together. Both peices of netting are very fine and I change it out weekly so hopefully don't get to many spores inhaled lol

Maybe that stuff is finer than I am thinking.

Great idea! I think I will try it with a large ear or nasal aspitator bulb. It wouldn't get the continuous sucking action but also wouldn't expose my mouth and lungs to whatever may be reproducing in the fruit fly cultures.

The only time any get out is when I'm collecting a lot. I think 8 or so is the max the one straw can hold, and by then one might get out. Plus I dont put stoppers on my cultures, I've had maggots dig through coffee filters I used as a top once. Since then I use two layers of the landscape fabric. A sponge stopper is only inviting maggot escapees.
The stopper they are talking about is the stopper on the mantis container, not the fruit fly culture.

One question Mal. You made the video with D. hydei(s). Does this method work just as well with D. melanogaster(s)?

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