Well-known member
I just thought I'd post here my bad recent experience with this fruit fly website. I had an unexpected hatch of an ooth laid from my since dead female S. Limbata. Of course in the middle of winter meaning no bugs outside to feed them with. I did some research and with a little help from a few forum members i dived into the whole fruit fly culture stuff head first. Fruit attracted me mainly because of the good price for how much I got which was one active culture, the stuff to make 12 more cultures, and 12 32.oz cups with the bag of aspen fiber. Also said to be included was a "caresheet" and "Easy-To-Follow Instructions." Sounds fine right, well it would have been if they included this caresheet and instructions which were supposed to be included according to their website so i could make more cultures. I thought no big deal I'll feed my nymphs because they havent eaten, and email the guys there for the instructions. Well I continued to feed my nymphs careful to not use to many and run dry the culture provided. Well three emails later with a week+ passed no response. To make this even worse the provided culture is turning bad, with the aspen fiber towards the bottom of the container turning greenish and the media itself brown when it was a very light color.....about the same color as the aspen fiber. I'll insert a picture later but I just thought I'd let you guys know. So now I have a bunch of 32.oz containers and supplies waiting to be turned into cultures, and 1 provided culture with dieing fruit flies inside of it, and of course my hungry nymphs :angry: