Galaxy, Yulee, Liza.. You were loved.


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:)  Yeah, I used to have a nice camera, but my neighbor dropped it in a stream.

- MantisGirl13

First ooth!


Yay!! Congratulations! I hope that it hatches! Just don't leave it loose like I did once (Ok, twice) because then you will be rounding up nymphs from your dresser drawers, closet, windows, walls, etc. :)  

- MantisGirl13

Yay!! Congratulations! I hope that it hatches! Just don't leave it loose like I did once (Ok, twice) because then you will be rounding up nymphs from your dresser drawers, closet, windows, walls, etc. :)  

- MantisGirl13
aahhh, I see it in my mind: everywhere little nymphs crawling  in my livingroom and then with a dog who goes after everything that moves :eek:

Yeah, it was pretty hectic! Especially because I found them after I had been away all day and very busy so I was exhausted!

- MantisGrl13

My brother said "Let me help!" as he tried to GRAB nymphs! My mom just said "Well, Cora, I hope you can find them all!"

- MantisGirl13

Yay!! Congratulations! I hope that it hatches! Just don't leave it loose like I did once (Ok, twice) because then you will be rounding up nymphs from your dresser drawers, closet, windows, walls, etc. :)  

- MantisGirl13

My brother said "Let me help!" as he tried to GRAB nymphs! My mom just said "Well, Cora, I hope you can find them all!"

- MantisGirl13

:)  Yeah, it is funny now, but it was NOT then!

- MantisGirl13
I can imagine..

I get nervous taking my mantids camping (usually lots of children around!) because they go too fast or 'grab' at them etc... One girl went a bit too fast and Sparkle almost bit her because she thought the little girl's hand was prey. Luckly I was quick enough to save them both!

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:)  Good! Yeah, little kids + mantids don't usually go well.

- MantisGirl13

I get nervous taking my mantids camping (usually lots of children around!) because they go too fast or 'grab' at them etc...
I took my mantids with me for camping and if I was sitting outside handling a mantis, children and (adults came) to watch and ask questions. But none of the kids tried to grab them. Nobody dared to grab them and that is ok. ;) I took the time to explain some things about  mantis  care and loved to do that.

I took my mantids with me for camping and if I was sitting outside handling a mantis, children and (adults came) to watch and ask questions. But none of the kids tried to grab them. Nobody dared to grab them and that is ok. ;) I took the time to explain some things about  mantis  care and loved to do that.
I'm glad no one bothered yours.. I try to educate the children too as I show them.
