gambian mantids not mating properly


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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2005
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UK, midlands
hi, i have 1 adult female gambian mantis (a very tiny but beautiful mantis with pointy alien eyes and red hind wings and abdomen as adult) and ive tried mating her with 2 males now. the problem is that both males didnt seem to actually link up, they just search around with the end of their abdomen, but missing completely or sliding off without doing anything. they eventually just sit on top of her not doing anything like theyve given up or something. one in fact has now been eaten by the female, unfortunately, but it took alot of provocation by the males fumbling attempts. the female was fat before the mating (doesnt take much feeding as a big bluebottle is nearly her size) and looked like she was ready to mate, it certainly didnt try to stop them mating. whats up, did i miss them mating or have i just got incompetent rubbish males. is this a normal occurance with this type. im hoping i just missed the mating but dont think so as they stay joined dont they? bit annoyed i never have any success :(

hi, i have 1 adult female gambian mantis (a very tiny but beautiful mantis with pointy alien eyes and red hind wings and abdomen as adult) and ive tried mating her with 2 males now. the problem is that both males didnt seem to actually link up, they just search around with the end of their abdomen, but missing completely or sliding off without doing anything. they eventually just sit on top of her not doing anything like theyve given up or something. one in fact has now been eaten by the female, unfortunately, but it took alot of provocation by the males fumbling attempts. the female was fat before the mating (doesnt take much feeding as a big bluebottle is nearly her size) and looked like she was ready to mate, it certainly didnt try to stop them mating. whats up, did i miss them mating or have i just got incompetent rubbish males. is this a normal occurance with this type. im hoping i just missed the mating but dont think so as they stay joined dont they? bit annoyed i never have any success :(
I mated this species. How long did you leave them to work?

Believe it or not, my male stayed 11 hours on top of my female before he actually connected with the female properly.

Just give it some time and it should work out okay. Also, if your male was eaten by her, you should probably feed her more until she totally rejects food or drops it. This "powerfeeding" ensures not only that your males won't be eaten, but that she'll produce a nice, fat ootheca for you the next day.

"I mated this species. How long did you leave them to work?"

thanks for your reply, the males were mostly only on top for about half an hour before giving up. the one still alive was on top for a few hours last time, but i never witnessed mating.

"Believe it or not, my male stayed 11 hours on top of my female before he actually connected with the female properly."

i wonder why they take so long to get on with it. funny things mantids

"Just give it some time and it should work out okay. Also, if your male was eaten by her, you should probably feed her more until she totally rejects food or drops it. This "powerfeeding" ensures not only that your males won't be eaten, but that she'll produce a nice, fat ootheca for you the next day."

yeah she was probably hungry that time but shes grown to 'full inflation' since- ab looks like a balloon. still no success with the mating, the male is watching and creeping closer to her again to hav another go but i think ive just got duff mantids, as they'd have managed by now. they were not even close to aligning the ends of their ab with hers so dont think they will be better next time either. do u think placing cage in the sun (if we ever get some) would help things ?


I used a cricket tub with a netting lid for a mating tub for mine

Put the male in for a couple of days, meanwhile giving the females 2 greenbottles a day :blink:

Then put the female in the tub of love and left them to it, saw multiple copulations over the couple of days they were in there.

I used a cricket tub with a netting lid for a mating tub for minePut the male in for a couple of days, meanwhile giving the females 2 greenbottles a day :blink:

Then put the female in the tub of love and left them to it, saw multiple copulations over the couple of days they were in there.
he tried again today. thought he might succeed this time as she was doing an opening and closing movement with her private part things (whatever they are called) which she wasnt doing before. but still he couldnt manage to 'get jiggy' so to speak. the male appears to have a hook like structure which looks like its meant to open those two halves of her anatomy, but to no avail. again he gave up after about an hour of mostly not doing much. maybe shes still not ready. the stress is really getting to me lol! <_< for tiny mantids their a right pain in the ..

he tried again today. thought he might succeed this time as she was doing an opening and closing movement with her private part things (whatever they are called) which she wasnt doing before. but still he couldnt manage to 'get jiggy' so to speak. the male appears to have a hook like structure which looks like its meant to open those two halves of her anatomy, but to no avail. again he gave up after about an hour of mostly not doing much. maybe shes still not ready. the stress is really getting to me lol! <_< for tiny mantids their a right pain in the ..
Perhaps. If it's the male that's poking around a lot, then it's the female's "fault".

How long has each been adult?

Perhaps. If it's the male that's poking around a lot, then it's the female's "fault".How long has each been adult?
maybe, the tip of her ab does sort of contract away from him and she stops opening those structures when he tries to connect. maybe they stay open when shes ready and hes just testing. age wise, i never made a note, but the female is abit older than male. she'd be getting well over a month as adult now. male probably 3 weeks. doubt they live very long, being so small but perhaps im assuming wrongly , and they just need ages to mature inspite of their size

edit heres a pic of her today

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maybe, the tip of her ab does sort of contract away from him and she stops opening those structures when he tries to connect. maybe they stay open when shes ready and hes just testing. age wise, i never made a note, but the female is abit older than male. she'd be getting well over a month as adult now. male probably 3 weeks. doubt they live very long, being so small but perhaps im assuming wrongly , and they just need ages to mature inspite of their sizeedit heres a pic of her today
Well, don't give up :) Just wait maybe a day, and stuff the female with food. The male should eventually get it right. :D

If they are both 3 weeks then they should be ready. The male lives about 2 months, the female 3-4, so you should be alright for a while.

If they are both 3 weeks then they should be ready. The male lives about 2 months, the female 3-4, so you should be alright for a while.
good, i have another subadult male nearly ready. she bit the pointy bit of his eye off in a fight but he;s doing fine and still eating

Well, don't give up :) Just wait maybe a day, and stuff the female with food. The male should eventually get it right. :D
hope so . i rather like these miniture mantids


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now im confused. the female has laid a couple of gobs of stuff. this was strait after one of the 'non mating' events today. trouble is they dont look big enough for ooths really -about 3mm and look like random blobs of ooth gunk and not like the ooth i bought. could it be an ooth, do they lay em straight after mating and could mating be so quick i missed it. maybe these are aborted failed ooths . cheers and thanks for help so far. you can just about see it in the pic above. i'll try to get a good pic later

now im confused. the female has laid a couple of gobs of stuff. this was strait after one of the 'non mating' events today. trouble is they dont look big enough for ooths really -about 3mm and look like random blobs of ooth gunk and not like the ooth i bought. could it be an ooth, do they lay em straight after mating and could mating be so quick i missed it. maybe these are aborted failed ooths . cheers and thanks for help so far. you can just about see it in the pic above. i'll try to get a good pic later
No, they are most likely fertile. My females always lay oothecae a day after being mated. Also, if your female is infertile, she usually only lays 1 ooth during her lifetime, not several.

Pics would help a lot. Sounds like the mating should've been successful though.

I agree with Mantida, but I have heared of mantids laying eggs (yes eggs) without covering them with an ooth. They don't survive, obviously, cause of the cold weather. But yes, send some pics.

I agree with Mantida, but I have heared of mantids laying eggs (yes eggs) without covering them with an ooth. They don't survive, obviously, cause of the cold weather. But yes, send some pics.
Actually, they don't survive because they dry up without the foam keeping the moisture inside.

righty, heres a pic of those 'ooths'; what do you think? dont know whats gone wrong there at all. :(


and a pic of a female pre subadult gambian nymph in its 'you cant see me cos ive stretched out my front legs mode'. the cameras an olympus c-740 ultra zoom.


Ew...They look like bloody boogers. :p Hmm...I'm pretty sure that's not a normal ooth. ;)

I have no idea why it's like that. o_O

:blink: I...wish I could help you buddy. I've never seen that in my life. I would like to throw my "bare eggs" idea back on the table. Any ideas Mantida? Did you try to mate them again nympho?