Gambian Spotted-Eye Flower Mantis Final Molt


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Well-known member
May 1, 2010
Reaction score
Unexpected molt into adulthood. Didn't see this one coming because these guys are so tiny. Just over an inch long.

Extra cool because you get to see the wings inflate. Beautiful coloration on the wings.

Haven't checked to see if it's a male or female yet. Can anyone tell from the video?

Music by Precarious :walkman:

Similar video of adult female Gongylus gongylodes coming soon...

Awesome footage. That's so gnarly how they do that haha.

I never get to actually see the head pop out I always miss it. :unsure:

Hey nice tunes also. My stuff is too wacky to be posted with a video lol. It's like Dance mixed with a cartoon. hahaha

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Well done Precarious! I wanted to meditate to the music in the first one! :lol:

I'm not familiar with these specifically, but I think that is a female. Watch the next post prove me wrong though! I suck....

Is this species related to Creobroter? In that first video, it looks similar to a Creobroter except for the wings. Your second video doesn't seem to be working.

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It is a YouTube issue. Anytime there's 2 or more vids the plug in starts malfunctioning about 75% of the time.

I Dig the Zen music, I guess me and Laura G are hippies at heart :cool2: .I thought the time lapse molt would be a awesome mini vid! and as your coach-agent I only want 10% :p and now on to the main event ! In this corner- adult Gambian spotted eye vs the two time heavy weight champ- L3 Idolomantis Diabolica !(crowd roars) still have some ring side seats left, 10 bucks each while quantities last :clown:

Did you ask Rick if he approves of your camera techniques? :tt2:

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Awesome footage!
Thanks for the encouragement everyone. Much appreciated!

I'm recording a ghost laying an ooth right now in my twig-filled tank. Didn't realize they were so liquidy as they come out. Looks like she's caulking!
