Getting emails from colleges!! Digger i need help


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agent A

the autistic flower mantis
Supporting Member
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO
So in the past 2 days, 4 colleges have emailed me because of my psat scores

They were Ursinus (i havent checked them out too much yet) Messiah, Roanoke (which im not too impressed by) and Emmanuel

Idk what to really do next

They all ask me to click a link to do profile and quiz things and idk if its all legit or really what to do

Any tips??

I got a ton too. I don't know if it is score dependent, or if the test providers just sell your emails and everyone gets them. I know that the school that sent me emails didn't change from my first ACT(24) to my second one(34). I think that which colleges would want me would change based on that, but they didn't.

Alex, you will get a lot haha, i ignore them unless its a college I'm interested in, like Colorado that emailed me last night.

I have never clicked on the links

Sure. A million bits of advice! You wanna take life-changing advice from some stranger on a bug bulletin board????

I assume you're a sophmore or junior. If sophmore: concentrate on your favorite academic topics and tests (you know this). And of course, don't forget extracurricular! College admissions LOVE responsible extracurricular work (debate, community involvement, journalism and to a lesser degree sports - unless you're absolutely top grade). Most important - try to get a handle on what interests you in school the most (besides the opposite sex). Andrew's lucky: he seems to have evolved a love for entomology. That makes it easy. For me, it was astronomy, physics and writing. Still a broad spectrum of possibilities, but at least funneled to some specifics. Another thing which helped a lot early on was finding a way to meet people in my area who were influential in the topics of my interest. I went to astronomy and physics colloquia at Rutgers and Princeton (my Dad drove me). There I met professors and researchers who were thrilled to meet a high schooler with solid ambitions for the sciences. And I wrote them tank you letters (no email) to which they often responded. I would continue some of those correspondences, which were then used (with permission of course) as an enormously powerful tool in applying to colleges. One of those people, renowned 20th century physicist Freeman Dyson, whom I'm still honored to have as a friend. If you have an interest cornered, it's a simple matter of researching those colleges which have the best record for working with that area (faculty, research, publications, graduate programs, and so on). Oh, one other minor dollop of advice. It's not about the money. It's not about the money. It's not about the money. It's not about the money. It's not about the money. It's not about the money. It's not about the money. (If you love what you do, the money will come - often in ways you never planned for or expected).

OR ------------------------------------ Screw college and train to become a plumber or a backhoe operator. Open your own biz and be set for life.

I like the way you think Digger! Trust me owning you own business isn't always what it's cracked up to be there will be ups and downs along the way but if you perceiver it can defiantly be worth it.

That said it's better to let people pay you for your mind and not your back, blood, sweat and tears. I've owned a small flooring company for many years now and even though it can pay well if I had it to do over I would go to college! A back is a terrible thing to waste...haha ;)

You will get a lot of those, and some even after you already decide on a college! I had a large number emailing me in my senior year especially, and unless they're somewhere you would be interested in going and you know are a decent school, ignore them.

A personal example of mine is King's College... they started emailing me systematically every couple weeks when I was a sophomore in highschool; I still get emails from them on occasion and I'm a sophomore in college now.

Like Digger said, focus on what interests you most and extracurricular is always something that can help out when it comes to application time in your senior year; and don't feel bad if you don't know exactly what you want to go into when the time comes. Many people change their major at least once, most people I've talked to at my school have changed majors within the first year or so of college or were 'undeclared' for a while.. as long as you have some ideas on what interests you the most you'll figure things out as you start learning more about the different subjects.

And again, as Digger said... It is not about the money... it is not about the money... do something you enjoy and would not mind doing as a life-long career. Not something that simply makes you a large chunk of cash right off the bat.

Sure. A million bits of advice! You wanna take life-changing advice from some stranger on a bug bulletin board????I assume you're a sophmore or junior. If sophmore: concentrate on your favorite academic topics and tests (you know this). And of course, don't forget extracurricular!
Lol hey u seem to be very knowledgable on college related stuff which is why i asked u :lol:

And yes i am a sophmore experimenting with clubs that advocate human rights (GSA in particular) as well as service learning (volunteering basically) and am hoping to get into NHS next year :)
