Ghost color question


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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
Buena Park Ca
My female Ghost died, she was a very vivid green and I loved that color...I was looking forward to watching her grow to adult.

My previous pair were both a dark coffee brown, and my L-5 or 6 male is a darkish brown mottled with pale greens.

question...I have read that the green colors tend top be females, is this an "ALL" greens are "ALWAYS" female situation?

or are green males out there but rare?

has anyone else seen "mottled" brown and green colors?

I hope to aquire another green female (hint hint wink wink) and hopefully mate her with my male when they mature.

It just might be that only females are green...I just recieved some ghosts from itzjustjeff, and I only have one green nymph, and guess what--it's a female! Also all the pictures I've seen of green ghosts were always females.

I had a nice green male, until it molted to adult, when it somehow turned brown. I do not think anyone has reported an green adult male Ghost.

I'm not too sure about this since I have a L4 female ghost mantis that's dark brown. Whether or not she'll turn green when she becomes an adult, I haven't a clue.

when I got the nymphs they were L1 and all looked like black ants by the time they were old enough to sex (head protrusion was the easiest indicator) the two females showed hints of green that deepened with each successive molt.

I have yet to have anyone show conclusive proof that surroundings influence color, none the less the females had pink colored "brillo-pad" for substrate while the boys got green or blue brillo-pads.

@ uralowl...for sure NOT all ghost females are green, my last female was dark as cofee grounds and the male was somewhat lighter but still brown...I was just hoping my male who has some green may pass the green gene to next gen via genetics (but I still hope that finding a green female and mating with my male who was from the same ooth as my green female, to increase the odds...I hope)

I've never seen even a photo of a green male. To my knowledge males are always varying shades of brown - from a creamy tan to nearly black. I have heard a few people claim different colors but have yet to see any evidence. <_<

Many people have tried in vain to breed a strain with predominantly green females. I have never heard any success stories.

Oh, wait... I forgot about this one that I raise eating only green bottle flies in a terrarium filled with spinach and gamma radiation... :blink:


I think you need to edit your signature, mantiscurious. I think it's only supposed to be four lines. I may be wrong. That keyboard playing mantis puts you way over the limit.

I've never seen even a photo of a green male. To my knowledge males are always varying shades of brown - from a creamy tan to nearly black. I have heard a few people claim different colors but have yet to see any evidence. <_<

Many people have tried in vain to breed a strain with predominantly green females. I have never heard any success stories.

Oh, wait... I forgot about this one that I raise eating only green bottle flies in a terrarium filled with spinach and gamma radiation... :blink:

wow you always have the best pics. i shall hope then to get lucky if I cannot influence a color trend.

I think you need to edit your signature, mantiscurious. I think it's only supposed to be four lines. I may be wrong. That keyboard playing mantis puts you way over the limit.
sorry...I will delete

Don't be silly, mantis don't eat spinach! Everyone knows they only eat banana's, pineapple and sometimes kiwi, so just stick to the gamma radiation for best results. ;)

Plus it makes them more Groovy and shagidelic!


Don't be silly, mantis don't eat spinach! Everyone knows they only eat banana's, pineapple and sometimes kiwi, so just stick to the gamma radiation for best results. ;)

Plus it makes them more Groovy and shagidelic!
Whoa, trippy...

I think it was mostly the gamma rays. Believe me, you didn't want to make him angry. :eek:

Yeah it's all fun and games, till your fingers look like bloated cheeze puffs but in a cool Hulky way.

I call it shrek syndrome...


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so the Green Male Ghost is rare but exists....sweet.

I want a Green couple.

where can I buy a Gama ray culture....I got the spinach!

patrickFraser: how is the Signature now?


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yeah I was about to post a retraction after I tracked that pic to UKmantidforum...the angle made the wings look longer than abdomen and my girl was WAY fatter in the abdomen. also the head protrubythingy is wrong


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