Ghost egg laying problems


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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2011
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I bred my female Ghost about 3 weeks ago; she was 6+ weeks adult and the male was about 2 weeks adult, both were 'virgins'. The male stayed hooked up for about 5 hours; I separated them later after he had disconnected because I was worried about losing my only male.

She was fat and gravid and started trying to lay several day later but all she could produce was a 3mm drop of what looked like green putty. She tried several times more and always left the same drop of green putty, sometimes drawn out into a .25" tail. I was worried about her becoming eggbound so I moved her to a better cage with higher humidity and more egg laying sites. She ate and drank normally but although 'assuming the position', she never laid an ooth. Sometimes she would hang her abdomen off to the side at a funny angle. I eventually moved her back to her regular cage.

Last night I saw that her posterior was covered with either frass or ooth material and the side/top of her abdomen had ruptured with a green-black mass on the outside. She still walks around normally but I know she's not going to get better and will go into the freezer soon. I know what I need to do but I'm delaying while she is still walking and acting normal.

FWIW Her other 2 sisters:

- one never bred but was around the male and subsequently laid 2 large (2" and 1"+) infertile ooths before the male was ready to try again. I bred her last night and all seems well.

- the other bred with the male and has laid several .5" to .75" ooths, about 5 of them so far.

Ouch! I'm sorry about your girl. It does sound like she tried to lay, but it didn't work out. I'm still a noob, so I don't know what the problem is, but there will be suggestions.

One of my females got injured during mating and produced smaller blob ooths like the ones your describing, I kept them and incubated them anyways and a few days back they hatched. I only got 2-3 Nymphs from each but it proved she was fertile.

Luckily for me it doesnt seem that her injury is fatal and today she laid a normal ooth although small so im hoping for the best.

Ruaumoko - these are really tiny little green smears, nothing close to even the thickness/diameter of a normal ooth. I'd be amazed if there was an egg in there and if there was, it would probably suffocate in the solid 'putty'.

She's still walking around acting normal, I haven't 'euth'd' her yet.

Bill: That is too bad about your Ghost lady. I have never had any female quite do what you are describing. It does seem that something beyond a one-day matter is affecting her. I have had a Violin lay little oothy globs, but they never hatched and she later was fine. I hope for the best, but it does seems like the freezer is her last gig. Bill: Try this link for the classifieds


Every now and then I would get a female with problems laying. Campare the length of her abdomen with the other females' and I'll bet it is a little shorter. I never got a viable ooth from a Ghost with a shortened abdomen.

Either way, nothing you can do.

I put her in the freezer last night. Although generally she seemed OK, the ruptured side had leaked some more and she wasn't going to recover.

Her sisters are eating and drinking and getting ready to lay more eggs.
