Ghost enclosure


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Mar 15, 2012
Reaction score
Southern California
I have one Ghost Mantis right now and am planning on getting another for possible breeding later on. I have my one, L2 in a 32 ounce cup with coconut bark as a substrate and several twigs for it to climb around. Would another Ghost (hopefully of the opposite sex) be able to be housed in the same container or should I think larger, now or later?

Thanks for the imput.

You will DEF be fine for quite some time....ghosts stay pretty dang small until later instars...ghosts are usualy ok, but if you are keeping a male and female together, make sure you keep enough food so they dont go after each other.

beyond L5 I keep all my males and females seperated unless they are in a big net cage with plenty of food.

by sub adult, I keep them solo if in deli tubs.


Never kept anything above L4 in 32oz delis together, there are 80oz ones, but a used cheese ball container(or something like that) will work great and are simple to modify.
