Ghost mantis tank


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Well-known member
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
hey, i should be recieving 3 ghost mantids in the mail today (2 males and 1 female). I was planning on keeping them communal but i got advised by a few people not too so i came up with this today:


here the lid:


I put the cardboard on the lid because it closes in kinda so they would beable to move to each section by moving to the top.

I was just wondering what you think of it? do you think theyd beable to breathe and stuff?

by the way the 2 sections is to separate the sexes.

I know its abit ###### but its all i could think of for now. I wanted to use a thin materal to put over the top but i really couldnt find anything but this piece of cardboard.

It will work but keep in mind mantids will spend most of their time hanging from the underside of the lid and with that enclosure you won't be able to see them.

It will work but keep in mind mantids will spend most of their time hanging from the underside of the lid and with that enclosure you won't be able to see them.
yeahh i know :(

im gonna try and get something else soon this is just temp hopefully.

there are tiny gaps though.. do you reck they try and get to the other side?

Probably not but it is always possible. See if you can find a sheet of plexiglass and then you can cut that down to fit. That is what I use.

Plastic cups Becky!!! :p

Try focus for plexi glass. Just DON'T use selotape, anywhere! It doesn't end well.

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How about air circulation? This is no working mantid enclosure. Take the roof away and use net cage instead.

How about air circulation? This is no working mantid enclosure. Take the roof away and use net cage instead.
yeah i was planning on doing. this is just temp. im gonna get some tomorrow. what would i use to keep the net roof on and how would i open and close it?

im a little confused about that haha

Mantids get stuck to selotape even if there is a little. It could damage there bodies when you try get them off. It happend to me a long time ago when I first started.

When I first started keeping mantids and joined this forum (only six mos ago!), all the regulars said (and still do) to keep mantids in 32oz (1L) deli cups (the kind that cold drinks come in) with a venilated top and and a 1" (2.5cm) hole cut in the side near the middle or lower end of the cuop that takes a plastic foam bung and is used for feeding. Boring! No interaction for the babies! There must be a more attractive way! Maybe, but this remains the safest, most convenient way to keep mantids in captivity. You can branch out into more exotic enclosures when you are more used to keeping mantids in pots. Some folks just put a coffee filter over the top and secure it with a rubber band. You may be able to buy a bunch of these at your local dollar (pound? :D ) store and make ventillation holes in the top and sides and cover the top with some kind of fine-mesh screening. You can see pix of this setup on MantisPlace, Hibiscusmile's online store, together with candy(sweet) jars, which take the same size lid and are also good enclosures.

If you get much more advice today, you're going to get dizzy and not be able to study for your A levels!

Good luck!

Yes 32 oz is the best option but I figured she didn't have any or maybe couldn't get them.

Yes 32 oz is the best option but I figured she didn't have any or maybe couldn't get them.
i have some of half pint cups. well i think they're abit smaller than that but to me that seems abit to small.

ive tryed looking for pint ones but can't really find any.. ill keep looking.

oh and my ghost mantid males just had a little boxing match haha. they wont end up killing each other will they?

they was sharing a branch face to face for about 2 hours before so i thought they got along.. :p

i have some of half pint cups. well i think they're abit smaller than that but to me that seems abit to small.ive tryed looking for pint ones but can't really find any.. ill keep looking.

oh and my ghost mantid males just had a little boxing match haha. they wont end up killing each other will they?

they was sharing a branch face to face for about 2 hours before so i thought they got along.. :p
half pint =8ozs, pint = 16ozs. We're talking about a quart sized cup! :D

No! They'll scare each other and run away!


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