Ghost mating - connection time?


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I'll post some pictures of the valves out later.
BatGirl after mating:




BatGirl laid today...late this morning or early of afternoon, 5 days after mating.

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She's just started laying five minutes it's 6 days since the last ooth.
Her fourth was started this morning. 7 days later, I hope it's a larger one! It has been a little cooler lately, so even though I am trying to feed as heavily as possible, I think I should keep both of them a little warmer.

BatGirl made her 2nd ooth on Friday 10/16, 8 days after her first.

2 adult females and a subadult male made their way back to me... so I have a couple more to be mated. :lol:

They're a bit smaller than the other two which are already small compared to the one adult male that I have, so I'm curious to see how this will work out!

I guess I'm more impatient than I thought. I gave the two new females several crickets since yesterday morning. Since they looked relatively fattened up and both appeared to be 'calling' this morning, I figured it's mating time tonight. They just coupled about half an hour ago and I'll try to time how long they stay connected and check on them in half hour increments.

Mr. Jeremy has been a busy mantis. I guess he figured out how to connect to the much smaller Trina. The fourth sister is even smaller...not sure how that will go.

Well, I ended up checking in about 15 minute increments and they were disconnected between 9:55 and 10:10 PM. So they were connected for as little as two hours. Connection was made in near darkness.

Also forgot to mention that Liana made her 5th ooth today, 6 days after the last. The weather has been a little warmer lately with temps in the 76 range this past week vs 72 for the previous week.

Sweet! Now if only I can get mine mated <_< Any advice? I fear they wont have a whole lot of time left in them..... :unsure:
I think the main factor in my limited success had been putting them together at dusk or simulated dusk.

Gently blowing on them also seems to help get the male started.

And from this thread:

my ghost has been adult for 3 weeks now

She should be ready. I find that darkness seems to help. I try to put them together and mounted at dusk before the light fades. The frequency of 'S' bending and connection attempts is higher in the dark. I've been using a room with a skylight so there is a more natural fading of the light, but have done the same by using light from an adjacent room and progressively closing the door.This is probably overboard for what is needed, but I have seen the female ghosts 'calling' at dawn. And they stop calling rather abruptly when the lights go on or daylight is coming through the skylight. Two of them have also consistenly laid ooths in the morning, once there's light or daylight. So I think ghosts in general are very sensitve to the ambient lighting.
interesting! I've only tried at night, but with the room light on. I'll try again with the light dimmed.

The male did notice her but after looking in her direction for several minutes he just goes on his own way.

Good luck to you and yours. :)

My 4th female (Quinn) was going to be part of an experiment to see how long before she laid the infertile ooth, fed on the same schedule as one of her previously mated sisters. Every morning for the last week, and since getting 'fat', she has been calling for a mate. I really hate watching the girls call, so I cancelled the experiment and had her mated with Ron. Oh, well.

Good luck to you and yours. :) My 4th female (Quinn) was going to be part of an experiment to see how long before she laid the infertile ooth, fed on the same schedule as one of her previously mated sisters. Every morning for the last week, and since getting 'fat', she has been calling for a mate. I really hate watching the girls call, so I cancelled the experiment and had her mated with Ron. Oh, well.
It's probally best that you did mate her. I have noticed with this species if they are not mated when ready they will lay infertile ooths rather quickly. They do not hold off at all when ready to lay. I have also observed connection time to be only two hours or so. My first ooth hatched this morning, yeilding about 15/20 nymphs. I thought two hours was rather quick, but i now have nymphs, so i guess it was good enough.

It's probally best that you did mate her. I have noticed with this species if they are not mated when ready they will lay infertile ooths rather quickly. They do not hold off at all when ready to lay. I have also observed connection time to be only two hours or so. My first ooth hatched this morning, yeilding about 15/20 nymphs. I thought two hours was rather quick, but i now have nymphs, so i guess it was good enough.
Thanks for the comments and update Paul. How long was the ooth incubating or when was it laid?

Thanks for the comments and update Paul. How long was the ooth incubating or when was it laid?
I did not take exact record of when it was laid, but i'm positive it's only been about 4 week incubation time. I have kept my ooths pretty warm, around 85 to 90F and misted once a day. The final count when i got home today was 25 nymphs. I noticed these hatchlings were from the smallest ooth in the cup. I cant wait till one of the larger ooths hatches out!

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Another ooth has begun to hatch. So far there about 15 nymphs out of this one. At least now i know both sisters are fertile. It's amazing on how both ooths were laid a day apart, and now there hatching a day apart. Cant wait to see what the final count is tomorrow morning.

My lady pumped out a new ooth today... and I stupidly hadn't removed the other ooths... she chose to lay it EXACTLY ONTOP of one of the other ooths... Anyone know if I can rescue the babies who are now "walled in" ? ...any suggestions? Thnx!
