Ghost Nymph Leg


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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2011
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When I got my nymphs from GreenOasis, two of them only had five legs. I knew they'd regrow them since they were so young, and today one of them molted. When I looked closely at her, I noticed she grew back an ENTIRE LEG. I was really surprised that she grew that much of it, but still really happy for the nymph. Evolution disproved AGAIN!!! Now watch the UNNECESSARY evolution argument that gets started.

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Wait, sorry, but WHAT? How does a mantis growing back a leg "disprove" evolution? I mean, are you just telling a bad joke or are you serious?

When I got my nymphs from GreenOasis, two of them only had five legs. I knew they'd regrow them since they were so young, and today one of them molted. When I looked closely at her, I noticed she grew back an ENTIRE LEG. I was really surprised that she grew that much of it, but still really happy for the nymph. Evolution disproved AGAIN!!!
There is a GOD!!! nuf said. Total proof. There's no way "nature" could have figured that one out on Her own. :mellow:

There is a GOD!!! nuf said. Total proof. There's no way "nature" could have figured that one out on Her own. :mellow:
THANK YOU! Finally, someone ELSE who doesn't believe in evolution. Doesn't it make sense that there's an ORDERLY way to the way animals "work"? God came up with this stuff, not chance.

Well with eternity in his hands, I guess he had the time. So what about what has "evolved" from Creation?????? God "fine tuning"?

THANK YOU! Finally, someone ELSE who doesn't believe in evolution. Doesn't it make sense that there's an ORDERLY way to the way animals "work"? God came up with this stuff, not chance.
As my Medical Terminology professor told us one day, "I didn't used to believe in God until I got into the medical field and learned about the intricacies of the human body. All of the chemical reactions & balances that have to be in place just to make life possible could NOT be an accident. I totally believe in God now."

Creationists: Stick to your guns! There is no way I can look at any single animal in nature and say "Oh, yes, this is TOTALLY evolution!" :blink: (That, and I refuse to believe that we "evovled" from apes. Similarities? Yes, because we have a COMMON CREATOR.)

Evolutionists: Show me a missing link! Lucy was already proven a hoax some years ago, so don't even mention THAT one. :p

And, interestingly enough, 'adaptation' is NOT the same thing as 'evolution'...think about it.

Just had the other five-legged nymph molt to L3 this morning. Sure enough, she now has six legs too. :D

If any of you haven't already, read some books by Richard Dawkins. It'll at the very least make you appreciate evolution. Natural selection can explain everything we've come across, biologically speaking.

The God Delusion, Climbing Mount Improbable, and The Greatest Show On Earth are the ones I've read. Certainly made a believer out of me.

As my Medical Terminology professor told us one day, "I didn't used to believe in God until I got into the medical field and learned about the intricacies of the human body. All of the chemical reactions & balances that have to be in place just to make life possible could NOT be an accident. I totally believe in God now."

Creationists: Stick to your guns! There is no way I can look at any single animal in nature and say "Oh, yes, this is TOTALLY evolution!" :blink: (That, and I refuse to believe that we "evovled" from apes. Similarities? Yes, because we have a COMMON CREATOR.)

Evolutionists: Show me a missing link! Lucy was already proven a hoax some years ago, so don't even mention THAT one. :p

And, interestingly enough, 'adaptation' is NOT the same thing as 'evolution'...think about it.
Um, Lucy absolutely is not a fraud. I have no idea where you got that idea, but it seems likely to me that you've got her confused with the "Piltdown Man" hoax.

As for the matter of a "missing link," such requests should a fundamental failure to grasp evolutionary science. Of course, we are in possession ofdozens of "missing links" (including the venerable Lucy) and are developing a clearer picture of the history of human origins with every new discovery.

Not trying to start any fights or drama on this forum, of course. But Lucy is my homegirl so I've got to stand up for her. She was a wonderful and beautiful creature, and I'm quite proud to me related to her.

Just wanted to point out, politely, that I don't believe in evolution either. And not just "blind faith".

I spent over a year studying it to prove evolution was right, and couldn't. Couple of examples stood out to me.

If the Earth was as old as they predict, oil would not gush the way it does since the pressure would have slowly (as it already is) diminished.

right now, the Earth is spinning slower and the moon drifting farther in their respective orbits. If the Earth was as old as they say it is, then the moon would be long gone and the Earth barely moving.

No one has ever yet been able to explain the pictures on this site.

And I have personally been to the museum in which those were, and seen them for myself.

Did you know someone used carbon dating upon both freshly-spilled lava from Mt. St Helens and a living clam, and both were predicted as being milions if not billions of years old?

One of the most telling things to me is not in the natural world, but on a planetary scale. Ever looked up how many "Goldilock" or "just right" zones the earth is in? I actually read a quote from a bona fide evolutionist in a book on evolution and the planets in which he said, "The odds of Earth landing in this many Goldilock zones is the same odds as a tornado hitting a junk yard, and forming a fully-functional Boeing 747."

And God is ... less believable??

Why does it have to be either/or? To take one and refute the other is quite narrow minded. I believe in hedging my bets & I claim no specific religion. But...I do believe in God.

"The odds of Earth landing in this many Goldilock zones is the same odds as a tornado hitting a junk yard, and forming a fully-functional Boeing 747."
That quote is actually taken from one of Richard Dawkins books, and it is taken out of context. If you read the entire passage you'd see that he is in no way shape or form refuting evolution. He is simply explaining the probability of finding other (lucky) earth-like planets in the universe (something like 1 in a billion billion). He is a very committed atheist, and he's been more than successful in changing the way people think about religion (including me).

**Edit: Rethinking, it may not have been Dawkins who said that quote, but he does discuss it in one of his books, and he uses the boeing 747 analogy many times in other books. I *believe* the original quote was by a theologist, or religious scientist. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm not the type of atheist who shoves my beliefs down theist's throats every time I get the opportunity (unlike some others I know). I believe everyone has a right to believe what they want to believe. I just thought I'd say, if any of you have the time, regardless of your beliefs, read some of his books. I went in with an open mind, and came out with my eyes open!

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No one has ever yet been able to explain the pictures on this site.

Did you know someone used carbon dating upon both freshly-spilled lava from Mt. St Helens and a living clam, and both were predicted as being milions if not billions of years old?
I'm not going to over do this, because ten minutes on google would yield scientifically sound explanations to all the points raised by Midwestern Girl. I can only assume that anyone who's actually interested in learning about the history of our planet and our species will go find the answers for themselves. I can't really do anything about people who are willing to listen uncritically to charlatans who believe it is acceptable for Christians to tell lies for Jesus.

However, the image you linked is so so so fake. It looks like it was cast with a toy dinosaur foot; you can tell that the object the forger used to create the print was rigid (unlike a real foot) because of the flatness of the imprint. The person holding the fake dino-print pressed it into the surface at an angle that is completely implausible. This is what real dinosaur prints look like. They are quite different, as can plainly be seen.

As for the matter of carbon dating - of COURSE a clam living today would date as being much older than it actually is. Why? Because since the onset of the Industrial Revolution, humans have been burning coal and other fossil fuels for energy. This releases ancient carbon that is adsorbed by living animals and planets. Carbon dating is only useful in dating objects and fossils from the early 18th century to 50,000 years ago (though there are some new techniques that can give pretty strong numbers for up to 100,000 years ago). Of course, there are several other methods of dating fossils, many of which are far more relevant to the topic of evolution.

Why does it have to be either/or? To take one and refute the other is quite narrow minded. I believe in hedging my bets & I claim no specific religion. But...I do believe in God.
I really don't know. I don't know why this question always gets framed as "Darwin or Jesus. You can only chose one." But that's the way it always seems to break down, and it's not usually the scientists who are the ones to draw this line in the sand.

Blasphemy! ;)
Dude, blasphemy is a direct offense toward God. And evolution is against God. Think about it. And I'm a traditional Catholic, so it's kind of sad to see the amount of evolutionists out there.

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Dude, blasphemy is a direct offense toward God. And evolution is against God. Think about it. And I'm a traditional Catholic, so it's kind of sad to see the amount of evolutionists out there.
How is evolution an offense toward God? You know that the Church's stance is that faith and scientific findings regarding human evolution are not in conflict, right?
