This whole thing is stupid now, I'm damn pissed now. Money this money that...I'm a freaking college student, on a freaking budget, if I want to trade or sell for a certain price and you dont like it then keep your mouth shut. Plain and simple, you don't walk into someone's business and point out everything that's overpriced to the owner do you? That's just plain rude and a little idiotic. And nympho, it may be cheap where you're from but over here, where these guys are ILLEGAL!!!!! that price is good enough for a sale. So please get off your high horse about morals and whatnot about greed or whatever it is you're trying to get across because you just called almost every mantis business (and I take offense because I respect each and every one of them) here a bunch of greedy ******* me tell you how a good business (not that I am one but I do work for many retailers) works nympho. In many "mom and pop" stores there's a things called a product and then next to it a price. If that product never sells, the owner will lower the price. If someone (or enough people) keeps coming in and complaining about this price it just means he/she wants it but is too cheap to get it and the owner will never lower it because one day that person will cave and buy it. If I can sell my hobby for as much money as possible, of course I'm going to do it, I need it to fuel my other hobbies outside mantids. Again, I think your high horse is a little too high for you, let me get you a ladder.
Comments like these are the things that makes me not want to come back to this hobby, ever. I'm done here.
EDIT: Thank you mrblue