Gongylus Gongliodes


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I know it's like asking how long is a piece of string but how many nymphs should I start with to ensure I get at least one pair? What would you do?Also, from what I've read these guys can be kept together but how big should the enclosure be?

Thanks for any advice

to be (not particularly) controversial i would expect one pair from two bought mantises, esp higher instars. the seller should get out his/her damn magnifying glass (inverted binoculars are best) to check the sex after accepting good money :p . only takes a few moments and isnt difficult except on tiny nymphs. its only good manners to supply pairs and should be standard practice for promoting good will between buyer and seller and promoting future breeding and availability.

edit; before anyone says they havnt got time or any such shlt, well thats fine if the're 20 for £10 or something but when theyre being sold for 7 quid each i wanna know exactly what im getting, and i suggest everyone else takes the same attitude.

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You've got a good point there. Only thing is that rarity/desirability of anything drives prices up. There's always one mad fool willing to pay (usually me but I'm skint atm :D )
