Good luck to those in Hurrican Rita path


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Dec 14, 2004
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Just wanna drop a quick note saying good luck to all the people living near Texas coast ahead of Huricane Rita. Be safe!!

I will be offline for sometime from tomorrow or Friday till next week. Hopefully the power be back on in HOuston by next week. You can still reach me via e-mail and i should be able to reply you with simple message via cell phone (If it still working).

All the best.

I am planning to stay unless the eye is almost certain to cross Houston at Cat5. Houston is above sea level unlike New Orleans but this city is proned to flooding due to poor drainage system and too much concrete in the city. Finger crossed and hope all my family and mantis survive!!!

Thanks guys for you regards. I am moving out soon. Can't bring my mantis along, is a mad stampede outside. Should have shipped my mantis out for anyone of you willing to "mantis-sitting". I can only hope my mantis survive Rita, or i will have to start from square one!!!

hi Yen,

we talked about all in e-mails. You have all my luck and the other persons in Texas too.

Hope to hear soon from you!



oh my lord, i really hope you'll be okay yen! Hope you come back safe and sound, dandy and fine!

Best regards


Thanks for all your wishes pals, i am doing ok. But i am doing my best helping other right now. Lost a few mantis but surprised to see an grass mantis and dead leaf mantis hatched today upon returning home!!

:D Glad to see ya made it through. Hope everything is O.K. as far as no major home damage or personal injury. I was Hopin' to see a post from ya this weekend so we knew you were alright.
Good to see you are ok do you have pic of the damage you can show us? and also i here that your area didn't get hit that hard :D
