Got any cool/amazing YouTube clips? Post them here!


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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2010
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Here you can share all the awesome YouTube clips you just want to show somebody!

At 5:55 he is juggling the sticks and playing at the same time...

This is a small snippet of what I used to do as part of my job in the military. It may give you some idea of the experience. This vid gives me chills:

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This is the most violent crash I've seen in the years that I've been watching Formula One. The last minute shows the entire crash in slow motion from different cameras. The "amazing" part is that the driver's only injury was a sprained ankle - you can see his foot sticking out from where the shattered nose cone used to be. The "cool" part came a year later when he returned to the same track and won the race, claiming his maiden victory in the sport.

And this one is just plain funny:

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