Gravid female about to lay, or about to die?


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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2013
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Washington State.
My friend has an adult female European mantis, whom he mated with an adult male he found outside. He states that she has been moving sluggishly for a few days, and showing absolutely no interest in food, even when pressed to her face. This female was caught as an adult, so her age isn't known, but she hasn't laid any ootheca since he has had her. Could these be symptoms of old age? Or is she finally ready to lay?

Usually when they're about to lay, they stop eating but become a lot more active. They go around in circles in the enclosure looking for a good spot to lay.

If she's getting sluggish it's not a good sign. If she's old, naturally she will tend to move less so there's still a possibility that she'll successfully lay.

On the other hand she could be egg bound and unfortunately that will kill her.

Unfortunately, I am dealing with females with egg-bound issues. I went on vacation and they were not taken take of well. I think they are/were dehydrated. Finally, yesterday one was trying to lay and she got rigid like a board and could not walk. Then it looked like she was seizing. So I basically forced water her A LOT of water. This morning she laid a normal looking ooth! Now she is almost back to normal!

So, maybe yours is dehydrated?
