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Mar 30, 2017
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Hello mantidforums, 

I'm really new to this and wanted to explore this hobby. I have many pets including a bearded dragon, dog and a canary. Been doing some research and set up a small terrarium for when I find a seller. A couple quick questions just for some "expertise clarification"

1. Are all species generally the same in terms of feeding/care? Or are some more "novice" friendly?

2. I set the terrarium in my room, and sometimes I have my window open. The temperature can flux in my room between +/- 5 degrees, will this affect the living conditions of my mantis?

3. Does anyone know any Canadian sellers as I do reside in Canada, and if not, is shipping from US to Canada viable? (I do not wish to pay an enormous shipping fee but can spend a bit. Also do not want to receive a dead mantis in the mail)

I am open to all discussion, information never hurts!


I can attempt to answer your questions but someone with more experience might have more detailed answers for you.

1. Some species are definitely considered easier than others.  I think it is relative to hardiness and temperature/humidity requirements.  Two easier ones that I know of are the Chinese mantis (Tenodera Sinensis) and Ghost mantis (Phyllocrania Paradoxa).  I'm sure there are others too.  As far as I know, those two are hardy and will be fine at room temperature and room humidity with misting, without the need to maintain a specific higher temperature or humidity.

2. I believe a fluctuation of +/- 5 C is acceptable.  There are suggested temperature ranges for each species so if you look at that and make sure the temperature doesn't fall out of that range, they should be fine.

3. I am not sure about this one, sorry.  There are Canadians living in Canada on here that may have more information for you though.


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Thanks for the info bren, still looking for Canadian breeders / International shippers but I feel shipping costs will be very high if I go the latter

Yeah probably...  By the way, I was just looking into other beginner species myself and found a post by CosbyArt that gave a nice list:

Working to get an exotic market set up in Canada , I have started with Creobroters.  A hatch is due some time this or next week.... S

Welcome!  We are new to Mantises also and just got some Carolinas from Sarah/Panterapets that are really fun, they came well packed and are healthy and eager to eat.  Save changes also has some listed in the for sale area.  

Working to get an exotic market set up in Canada , I have started with Creobroters.  A hatch is due some time this or next week.... S
Very nice! Please do keep me updated

Welcome!  We are new to Mantises also and just got some Carolinas from Sarah/Panterapets that are really fun, they came well packed and are healthy and eager to eat.  Save changes also has some listed in the for sale area.  
That sounds great! I'm now even more eager to receive my first mantis(es) here in Canada
