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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2011
Reaction score
Duvall, WA
Did you know that warm tidings are heading your way via the Seattle area 'net? I'll bet most of you outside of the frequently-cloudy pacific northwest (USA) have recently experienced much higher temperatures, so perhaps sending "cool tidings" would be more appropriate?

So. This is the spot where I'm supposed to introduce myself? *looks around* Hrm. Well, I supposed I can stop lurking and type somethin' for ya. But take my thanks in advance for reading this post (even if you stop reading right here!) Hah! ;)

I'm an animal lovin' computer guy in his 30s who has always been fascinated by the praying mantis but have never owned one. I've enjoyed taking care of exotic pets (chinchillas) and continue to tend to exotic plants (orchids) and exotic-looking cats (bengals - they're a hoot, highly recommend 'em to anyone who wants a fun and playful cat) but I've never had a mantis, nor know of anyone else who has either. But all of that's about to change! After a fair amount of consideration and research on my part, I got the "OK" from my fiance to own a mantid (she has arachnophobia, so I wasn't sure how she'd feel about a praying mantis.) :)

Thus my mantis-owning adventure begins (express-shipped package arrives soon!) and I'm very thankful for this forum, looks like a ton of great people, resources, pics, stories, etc. Huge props to the friendly and knowledgeable folks runnin' this place (that includes admins and the helpful users!)



WELCOME, WELCOME! Glad you found this place...there are a lot of great people here, bursting with knowledge to share with you.

You'll end up with at least a dozen species in no time at all.

Better warn the future "Mrs. Mantis-keeper!" ;)

How big do those cats get? I'd love to see some pics.
Ask and you shall receive! They're domestic cats (thus my "exotic-looking cats" mention) but this should give you an idea of what they look like. :)


Thanks Rick, hope you and yours weathered the hurricane without issue.

RevWillie - a Florida orchid nurseryman eh!? Very cool! Random tidbit: I've been successful in finding wild orchids (Calypso bulbosa var.occidentalis) in the Seattle area. I bet Florida has some cool stuff growing in the swamps (the thought of encountering gators makes me take pause...) :D
