Grr when does it end?!?!?


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agent A

the autistic flower mantis
Supporting Member
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO
So earlier this week i had the GI bug

My sis had it the week before

Before that half the peeps i knew had it

Now my mom has it! Only 1 human in my family has yet to get it

This is crazy! I cant have friends over if my mom has diahrrea, then we r supposed to get snow later, and this xmas break is real bad and i dont have school until wednesday! This sucks! We all get sick on winter break

I hope my communications teacher doesnt expect my project wednesday cause at this rate i can never interview people with my group for the project :(

Not long ago, My daughter and husband came down with something like that. Horrible. :( My daughter suffered first, then my husband got it 3 days later.

Both of them hurled alot for around 9 hours, then came the other part. I got no sleep and was a nervous wreck at work.

I was so frightened that I would get it too. I have never been ill like that. :sweatdrop: I washed my hands so many times that they were peeling.

I was spared, but suffered with the anxiety and exaustion of worrying about it too much.

My family went through the same exact thing.

My little cousin brought it home, and then my grandma got it pretty bad, then I had a GI bug that left me unable to do much for a good week or so and unable to eat, and grandpa, my best friend, and my aunt had symptoms and then my other cousin had it right before they left on a trip to see their dad for Christmas. Every single person in my house was sick at some point in those two-three weeks. It was crazy.

Hopefully your household starts feeling better soon! 'Tis the season for sickness, though...

My brother got swine flu a long time ago. I think the flu shot actually made him sick because it did make him dazed (staring into empty space thinking). Then later my sister got a little sick. My brother was very sick. You get sick every year?
