My G-Rex (as in Grandis Rex :wink: ) adult female hadn't eaten since she shed last week and was looking mighty thin. So I decided to treat her and brought home a special friend for her. I bought a 7" Anole, a lizard, from the pet store for a couple dollars, not knowing if she'd be interested. When I got home I put the heat lamp on her for about on hour so she'd be mean and fiesty. Dropped the lizard in and.. nothing. She completely ignored it for about 10 minutes as it jumped around The Pit of Doom (her cage). I was about to pull it out when it crawled up near her on the top, and WHAM she snapped that thing up. It was like watching an old black and white dinasaur movie, the lizard vs. the mantis. Quite a fight! But that grandis wouldn't let go for anything and the lizard was doomed. She wasted no time devouring it, and it wasn't a pretty sight. I'll spare the details but don't try this yourself if you have a weak stomach.
She nearly finished the whole thing; not much was left. It was 7" long, and she still isn't quite plump yet and I imagine she could eat nearly half of another, but it's back to crickets for now. In conclusion, grandis is one badass bug :twisted:
She nearly finished the whole thing; not much was left. It was 7" long, and she still isn't quite plump yet and I imagine she could eat nearly half of another, but it's back to crickets for now. In conclusion, grandis is one badass bug :twisted: