Had to put my Stagmomantis Limbata down today....


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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2006
Reaction score
Middle of nowhere, Colorado.
I knew she was about to go anyway, she had lost both of her back feet over the last week or so. She was an old girl though, I found her on Halloween. Poor thing could barely hold onto the screen at the top of her tank last night and I had to flick a darn persistent cricket off of her 3 times. When I saw her this morning she was sitting on the bottom of her tank looking bad! So I did the quickest most natural thing I could do for her and put her in the freezer.

Well she did lay 3 ooths for me. I just hope theyre fertilized!!

Here's a pic of her in November or December.


Cool pic, I lost mine in January, so I know how you feel.

Nice she made it until Feb though!

Have fun with the ooths this spring.

Really sorry to hear about your mantis, Butterfly. I remember your first posts about her and that very same pic which I thought was one of the coolest things I had ever seen. But, I know the feeling. Though my little one I had to put down two nights ago was only a few days old. It got into a fight with one of the others which I managed to salvage from the ooth with a majority of bad eggs. It was just laying there. I looked at it through the magnifying glass as it was soooo small and I could still see it's antennae moving as well as it's mouth. I would tap it a bit to see if I could get it to get up as it was totally in tack. I could not spot the injury so I fed it some water on my finger. It drank. I gave it a few hours and it never moved from that spot. Hours went by still and no movement. I went to pick it up and it began to struggle a bit and then just stopped. Still, antennae and mouth movement, though. It was as if it were paralyzed as it would still drink a bit from my finger. Next day, still the same so I put it in the freezer no matter how small it was I didn't want to just allow it to continue to lie there suffering, you know. It happens, you get attached, still!

We do what we can to help them along!!!!!! :cry:

Best Regards,

Good luck with the ooth,

