I have a dead leaf that has a broken left front arm and he cannot eat by himself. The right one is ok. So since he cannot seem to eat by his self, I figured he is left handed :lol: I have to smash it's f flies and coat them in honey so they stick to a toothpick to feed it. he is so cute though. I named it Baby. Cause i feel like its a baby i have to hold to feed... ha ha ha, never in all my life did I ever think I would be holding a bug and hand feeding it. He is afraid at first and does his dance but I really think that is a show for me, cause when I put the toothpick up to its mouth it starts to nibble and then eat. I am thinking of hollowing out a wooden matchstick to put it's dinner in so I do not have to hold the toothpick up to its mouth, :wink: My hands go to sleep long before its done eating. :lol: It is so small I should of named it Tom Thumb! I am kind of glad about it because I read where others have fed theirs and I never have, and I could not help but wonder how on earth could you get them to take it, :roll: now I know. :wink: