When I got into this hobby, I had no intention of trying to make a profit. After finding some mantids in Texas, I decided to get some as pets. I wanted to enjoy and photograph them and initially had no plans to even breed them. After witnessing my first ooth hatch (ghosts), I got hooked on the thrill of breeding. I started to make a few sales. By the fall of 2011, I decided to attempt to break even because I wasn't working at the time, and by the end of the year, I was making a small profit. Still, it was an overall loss for me in 2011, which was fine.
In 2012 I've managed to make a small profit every month (except for this month as I only shipped one package). I've mentioned in other threads that it really only covers the cost of my cell and land line phone bills most months. I keep detailed records of all expenses (postage, containers, bleach, potato flakes, yeast, paper towels, feeder insects) except for the cost of electricity. Feeders are my main expense, though I raise my own fruit flies and even some of my own blue bottle flies to reduce the frequency that I have to buy them. I did not buy any mantids in 2012. Instead I mostly traded and have a couple of very generous friends. The only reason I started to keep track of my expenses has to do with my photography business. (Long story)
Nowadays I enjoy breeding a lot. However, I spend so much time cleaning enclosures and feeding some days that I'm not motivated to photograph my mantids, which is why I started in this hobby. It takes A LOT of time for the small profit I make. So, I do it primarily because it's a labor of love and a sense of accomplishment.
At the moment I am working a part-time job as an Office Manager. The pay is much less than when I worked in IT, and the hours aren't as many as I'd hoped. We are working on three projects now, and if the capital is raised ($ 3 million dollars for each project), then my part-time job may turn into more of a full-time job. Otherwise, my position will end. Depending on what happens with this job, I may end up cutting back the number of species I am raising at one time. That said, I plan to enjoy this hobby for a long time.
My advice to most would be that there are a lot easier ways to make money and that a more realistic goal is to reduce your expenses and perhaps break even. And just enjoy your mantids!