Hatched silk moth!!!


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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2020
Reaction score
Hi everyone!

I'm very excited as my first silk moth hatched sometime this morning. I don't really know what to do with it at this moment, as I wasn't even sure if any of them would make it this far. I'm having an even harder time finding out how to take care of this one silk moth I have so far ( I could have as many as 15 if they all hatch successfully).

My questions are: 1. Do they have a drying period after they hatch, like mantids do? 2. Do they need to drink water? And 3, are they just as nutritious as moths like they were when they were silkworms?

Thanks in advance y'all!


Congrats on the silk moths!  They are on my list of inverts to raise full circle.  As for your questions:

1. Do they have a drying period after they hatch, like mantids do?  As far as I'm aware, all inverts with an exoskeleton have a drying period after molting (or emerging).  They must be soft to leave their hard exoskeleton behind.  Once out, their new exo must dry and harden.

2. Do they need to drink water?  No, silk moths don't eat or drink, they only breed and will live from 1 to 3 weeks.

3. Are they just as nutritious as moths like they were when they were silkworms?  As far as I know, most inverts with a complete metamorphosis, lose some nutrition when they become adults, as all that energy is put into making their new form.  However, they will still be nutritious for other animals and people, just not as nutritious as their caterpillar form.  ☺️

Hope that helps!

@Acro thank you so much for your help! 

Tbh, raising silkworms has been challenging for me but very cool to watch the transformation!

Also, update! My first moth couple just had babies! Lil yellow eggs are just on top of one the cacoons they were mating near. I have yet to look up how to take care of the eggs but looks like I might be starting this process again if all goes well.

Nice. I tried raising silk worms. I started with 25 tiny ones and within a week all were dead. Guessing the temperatures were to low for them 

@Acro thank you so much for your help! 

Tbh, raising silkworms has been challenging for me but very cool to watch the transformation!

Also, update! My first moth couple just had babies! Lil yellow eggs are just on top of one the cacoons they were mating near. I have yet to look up how to take care of the eggs but looks like I might be starting this process again if all goes well.
Glad I could assist.  :D

Congrats on the possible silkworm babies!

If you are in the USA, I'd be interested in buying or trading for some of your silkworms (if they hatch out).  Please PM me if you have some and are interested in rehoming some of them!
