Have you ever seen a mantis catch his prey like THIS?


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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2005
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Greetings mr. Cricket! Have you seen my nice spinning disk?

Why not get a closer look?


You're getting sleepy...Verrrry sleepy...


What is it and why are you feeding it to your mantis?

Looks kinda like that tempura thingys you get at the Japanese resturants...

SOme agrresive mantis will go for any food!! That looks like imitate vegetarian food? Probably not a good food source for praying mantis. Is that P. Aeruginosa? This species will eat anything!

if it is a photoshop they did an good job. all of the edges match really well, as well as the brightness it looks like the same flash and lighting. only reason i'd think it's photoshop is i think the hand on the right looks like it's not clamped enough to hold it. i think it's real.

so fierorumor is it real or fake?

It's a whitefish thingie found in chinese soup. That mantis is a nutcase, it will try to eat anything in front of it. I usually stick to crickets, chicken, and worms. ;)
