head turns completley black


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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2007
Reaction score
amstelveen Nl
right... mantis whole head and neck turned black and can not move anymore.. she also has black dots on her body.. i,ll get pics...

What is happening????

edit: oh and if some1 make a stupid joke... R.I.P.

i dont hope i have to say that to my mantis

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Almost sounds like a bacterial or fungus infection. My mantid just died of the same type of thing two days ago. It was other wise healthy and then I found him face down barely able to move. When I picked him up he could not move his head and it was sort of bent downward. He also had the same discolouration on his thorax. He was truly dying so I had to put him down. Weirdest thing ever besides my Orchid female suddleny shaking violently then dropping dead. :blink:

Almost certainly an infection - bacterial or fungal, I don't have a clue which ;)

What species was it and what was it last fed on ?

Fungal infections are caused by high humidity and no proper ventilation. What's the humidity level in there?

Sorry for your loss...

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I remeber in another thread, someone asked if his mismoults could be because of lack of humidity. He siad it was 80%. I think.... :mellow:

I don't get why people freeze them. I had a mantis with a fungus infection, it even grew little white fur on itself. All I did is give it a lot on ventilation, rest and relaxation then it went away in like 4 days.

I don't get why people freeze them. I had a mantis with a fungus infection, it even grew little white fur on itself. All I did is give it a lot on ventilation, rest and relaxation then it went away in like 4 days.
It's not quite that simple ;)

I just read that some African species can turn entirely black after a molt in the wild if there has recently been a wildfire in the area. They molt to black and blend in with the charred landscape. However, if your mantis can't move or whatever, something must be wrong.

I just read that some African species can turn entirely black after a molt in the wild if there has recently been a wildfire in the area. They molt to black and blend in with the charred landscape. However, if your mantis can't move or whatever, something must be wrong.
i looked at the dead body.. the head was scrinked and rotten like a plant :eek: :blink:
