hello from ky


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Sep 6, 2013
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Until now, every one of my hobbies was crazy expensive... cars, guns, longboards and mountain biking. I love cats, but I have never been especially bonded to animals... but i always had this thing for mantises! I had only seen a few from a distance in my travels in the military, but the other day before school I got to see a mantis up close... I yelped and my wife must have thought something bad had happened! I caught him in a tuppaware, and put him in the ten gallon tank I have had laying around for FOREVER. Well, a couple of days later, I walked out back... and saw another mantis! This one was larger, and a beautiful green! We made eye contact... and she walked towards me, jumped on my leg, and started climbing me... I was on the phone with a friend, and I became pretty nervous I wont lie. I slowly walked into the house so I could get to where I KNEW I could catch her. I ended up letting Henry go free, and keeping this mantis! (No name yet)


anyways, I saw Henry again yesterday, but I have been looking for a female. After much searching, and more research, I realised the mantis I had was a female (so she cant be named new Henry anymore) and Henry was a male! Now I am just watching, waiting, and hoping Henry comes back, so i can mate them!

Mantises are, in my book, the greatest pet you can have. Low maintenance, stays in a cage, but is SO entertaining!

It probably helps that I dont have a tv... anyways, im hooked!

Aw, they were going to mate, and they will not hurt you, u can leave them on a plant in the house and as long as well fed, they will stay there. But, Put her in a shaded area where no sun can reach her and he will come back to try and get to her, then u can catch him easily! Welcome!

he is no longer in the house... he flew away. He came back once, so I am pretty sure he lives in the area. Do you by any chance have any idea what type of mantis she is?

I don't see the screen very well, but I am guessing a limbata. Someone else will surely know.
