Hello from my Zoo! :-)


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Active member
Jul 6, 2014
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My icon is Bacall: our Johnstonii Chameleon. She's one of my faves. We also have Ambilobe Panther chameleons, tree frogs, turtles, bearded dragon, geckos and :no: my husband's tarantula collection! Our Zoo literally takes up two rooms in our house!

So it is finally time that I get what I have wanted since I was a child living on a farm in Alabama, my own praying mantis! :clap: So here I am.

I am looking forward to this new branch of our Zoo tree! Oh and my husband is here too ... somewhere!

Terry Lynne

Welcome! amilobe panthers are my favorite color morph of panther, THE REDS! hahaha Welcome!

Hello from someone else who is new to the hobby. This is a great site!!

Welcome! What kind of T's does your husband have?
Hi There, I am the aforementioned husband, lol. I have a Gooty Sapphire Ornamental (Poecilotheria metallicahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poecilotheria_metallica), 2 Brachyapelma (one bohemi and one smithi), Brazilian Giant Whiteknee (Acanthoscurria geniculata), Orange Tree Spider (Tapinauchenius gigas), Chaco Golden Knee (Grammostola pulchripes), and I just got a new Avicularia Versicolor so that one is still tiny. The rest are getting bigger but the giant white knee is by far the biggest.

Looking forward to my wife getting setup with her mantis project. This seems like a great site for her to get started!


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