Hello from San Diego


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May 26, 2013
Reaction score
Sunny side California
Just wanted to stop and say "Hello" from our busy world. We are new to this whole Mantid thing, but so far we are enjoying it. We started off by buying two Mantid Cases from our local garden and supply store, after waiting about 1 1/2 months the first egg case finally hatched. Although we never got the chance to watch it hatch we did get to see Nymphs around our garden. We decided to keep one as a pet and that is about where we are now. He/She is an L1, we are waiting for her/him to molt but for now he/she is enjoying eating the fruit flies we bought at a local reptile/insect store. We are both very excited to watch this little one grow and are even more excited to get more (we are starting off with this one first). We think it is a Chinese Mantid but not really sure yet.

Thanks for reading,

Erik and Anna

Welcome to Mantid Forum! I'm kinda new here and live in Arizona. I'm also pretty new to the idea of raising mantids. So far it has been an interesting ride, that's for sure! ^_^ I wish you luck with your little guy. ;) Hopefully we'll get to see some pics of it soon!? What did you name it?

We still have not named our Mantid yet. I guess we are waiting to see if it is a he or she before we do so. However we have survived our first molting and our little guy is now an L2 =) We have been feeding it fruit flies still but today Anna caught 2 small fly's outside near our garden and we had the joy of watching our little guy devour the flies. We have notice that it is rather active now that it is a L2 and growing oh so fast.. We are thinking of maybe breeding silkworms as we can just grow our own mulberry tree here.

Silkworms. That's an interesting idea. Looking forward to seeing a pic of the little one! A lot of us use non-gender-specific names for our mantids, that way no matter what it turns out to be, we are safe! LOL ;)
