Hello from Upstate NY


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Jan 9, 2012
Reaction score
Hello everyone!

My name is Justin, I live in Rome, NY. I have decided to attempt to drain your precious forums of all forms of information relating to Mantids!

Just this last Sunday (Jan. 8th 2012) I went to the Reptile Expo in Westchester County Center looking for some supplies for a vivarium I had built last July for Poison Dart Frogs. They had a lot of interesting things there - one of them being an Orchid Mantis. Let me tell you, it was about one of the coolest creatures I had ever seen!

So here I am! Ready to rape and pillage your boards for all information dealing with these beautiful creatures! I'd love to buid an enclosure sometime in the next year suitable for them.

Thanks for all your help!


Welcome! :)

I had not realized some people might have mantids at that expo. I really need to check it out one day. I really have no exscuse being I'm only like a 30 minute drive from there. :rolleyes:

hi Justin,

welcome to the mantid forums.

you will be suprised to know that most people here keep their mantids in simple deli cups with tops that have screen replacing most of the cover.

the deli cups can be filled with a few sticks and maybe a leaf or two...and that's it.

the deli cup can also be lined with some paper towel or Sphagnum Moss to help with humidity.


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Welcome! there are many more spcies out there just as cool and rare-ish like orchids.

yeah man, orchids are just incredible....so different, very smooth flowing and unique....i LOVE them

I have grabbed 3 exo terras soon and have had a blast building them having more room, but a lot of people use butterfly cages even thoughcan be pricey for what they are, but also deli cups are cheap and great!

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Hey, welcome from Buffalo, New York (upstate as well). I can't tell you how much info I have gained through this forum. Rape, pillage, drain or not, you will get a good deal of info from this site!

Welcome fellow New Yorker lol

I love white planes I just wasn't able

To go this time

Welcome from TN. You didn't say, did you buy the orchid or did it just fascinate you enough to lure you here? :) I remember being astonished that mantids looked like anything other than the standard Chinese I see around the garden.

The info here is top notch! (and a lot of fun)

I was just inspired by the little guy. I wouldn't be willing to just buy an animal without properly preparing for it. It was also quite expensive at about $50.

Hello everyone!

My name is Justin, I live in Rome, NY.
Hi, my name is alex, also from Rome. My first day on this forum, very interesting i might say. I don't have and mantids, but i'm looking. You wouldn't happen to be Justin from Peterson's, would you?

welcome from Connecticut :D

Hi, my name is alex, also from Rome. My first day on this forum, very interesting i might say. I don't have and mantids, but i'm looking. You wouldn't happen to be Justin from Peterson's, would you?
oh great! ANOTHER alex :tt2:

jk of course, but u r the 3rd or 4th one on the forum (that i know of...)

Welcome from Australia mate, most people keep stuff in simple container like deli cups, or modified plastic jars.

Here are some pics of the stuff I am using right now.

I have deli cups for my smaller Kongobatha diademata – snake mantis


Then I have this "nut and bolt box" with some fabric for extra grip and holes drilled in the roof for my 2-5cm mantids. (houses 8 :D )


And I then put the bigger guys such as my sub-adult Hierodula majuscula – giant green mantis


I have guides on how to build all three of these types of containers on my site here.

And finally I have this box, which is the first thing I ever made or did in this hobby (like you I wanted to be prepared, except I went a little bit over board)

Side view (upside down... STUPID PHOTOBUCKET!)


View of the substrate


And you can learn how to build this here. I haven't got any pictures of the step though, as I made the box long before I wanted to make a website I got hooked haha.

Hope this helps you out with some ideas.

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