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New member
Dec 17, 2006
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Super kewl that i've found this little mantid corner! Very very excited about the possibilities now. I started really studying mantids after reading a book called, "The Coming of Tan!" Great book about a guy, named Riley Martin, who was abducted multiple times and taken to a huge mother ship near Saturn. This ship was a cooperation of 4 or 5 completely different intelligent species, of which none of them were human. On of the species are Mantids. Only real difference is they have 4 arms and are very very smart. Their space craft have the ability to become invisible.

About 5 yrs ago I had 100's of Mantids, in a grow room operation so big

you'd never believe me if I told you. This was before I learned to make

my own soil. Most soil bought retail has larvae and eggs, whatever in it.

And all these things make good eating for young mantids!

Well enough about me for now.

Glad to find you all!

