Hello. My current mantis.


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Jan 27, 2017
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This will be a little bit of an essay, I've not kept mantis in a while about 1 year, i got one again and now im up to 5 in a month... it happens every time haha :D

I have a Female rhombodera, cant remember what SP though. This is my second one as my last one fell during her last moult and didn't make it :( DSC_0192.JPG

Up next is my popa spurca i think female, was a little small to sex when i got it. This is my second one also, had one a few years back and was one of the best mantis i kept.


Next is my gongylus gongylodes sex'ed as female when i bought her, this is the hardest mantis ive kept to date. But im enjoying her was hard at first as i had to hand feed but now eats perfectly, I'll see how it goes not sure if i'd go for another one tbh


This is my Pnigomantis medioconstricta Female my local shop got these in never seen one before and i love shield mantis so as this is a double shield it has to be double the coolness lol i am really excited to see this as an adult


this is my Sphodromantis not sure on the SP once again, ive keep a fair few Sphodromantis in my time of mantis keep there just so easy and cool, easily one of my favourites to keep. DSC_0185.JPG

As you can tell there is a running theme here, female. I only try for females as they get bigger and live longer, ive never wanted to breed so males arent for me if i got one it wouldnt bother me but i always try to get females.

I have told myself and my wife i want two more Deroplatys desiccata (which ive kept before was amazing to keep) and a Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii (which ive not kept before).

Im mainly into the bigger mantis and i also might get a Phyllocrania paradoxa which ive kept beofre too... i said two well now its three :p

They are lovely! What do you feed the gongy? They usually prefer flying prey and sometimes won't eat anything else unless convinced, and supposedly crickets aren't very good for empusids :)  

They are lovely! What do you feed the gongy? They usually prefer flying prey and sometimes won't eat anything else unless convinced, and supposedly crickets aren't very good for empusids :)  
Was on blue bottles but only like 7 hatched from the 50 i bought.... So i have been using locust and every time i put some in she gets fatter so must be eating them to my relief :D


Amazing Mantids, they’re  very beautiful. Lol, interesting how you get into them in waves. I’ll probably do that, too. Also, they sell Mantids at pet stores in England? That’s awesome! 

Some stunning mantis! I love the green on the violin... amazing. A few of my violins were green but they unfortunately lost that coloring as they got older. 

@FluffyMantid yes lol i cant do anything in moderation its always loads or nothing >.<
And yes its a reptile and insect shop and its so close to my house which im not sure if its a good or bad thing haha, there also currently selling Idolomantis diabolica L1 but becuase there so hard and £30 im gonna give them a skip maybe if there are any left at L4/L% i might get one once the hard work is done for me.

@Connor I really hope she keeps the green :D


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