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Dec 6, 2013
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Hi all,

My name is Robby, and I'm a fisheries biologist from Austin, TX, living and working in Southwest Louisiana. I study freshwater fish, and my primary interest is stream fishes. Even though I don't currently have a tank up, I've been either keeping or researching fish my whole life. Right now I have an awesome wild fish assemblage that free ranges on my property, and I couldn't be happier. At one point in my life I was working at a fish store in Austin and running over a dozen tanks raising South American eartheater cichlids, Tanganyikan cichlids, and discus, all in a 400 sq ft apartment. Wild times...

I've also been into reptiles and snakes since I was a kid, and currently keep green tree pythons, carpet pythons, and a Uromastyx. We range chickens, have an awesome Baskimo that guards them, a couple of lazy cats, a loud conure, and an even louder toddler.

My wife, who's also a biologist, kind of kicked off our consideration of mantids. We went to the insectarium in New Orleans last spring, and saw some amazing stuff. We've been thinking about a bug vivarium ever since. She won an 8x8x12 vivarium at a show a while back, and I think we're going to plant it up and hopefully put some mantids in it. I'll make a thread in another section with our questions and possible plans...

Anyway, it looks like there's a wealth of information here, and I look forward to soaking it up.
